Page 11 of It's Her Love
Chapter 14
God damn, the taste of Sophia on my lips, feeling her barrier against my finger. Fuck, it’s enough to make me come in my god damn shorts.
“Sophia, Babe. You okay?” I ask her, she’s still flat on her back.
“Yeah, but I think I’m seeing stars,” she mumbles out, and I chuckle and help her sit up. I bring my lips down to her, allowing her to taste herself on my lips. She’s greedy as ever and has no problem responding to my kiss. When she slowly gathers her wits, I grab her bikini bottoms and help her tie them back in place. She’s not shy at all around me right now, “Where’s the kitchen cleaner?”
“Under the sink,” I grab it from under the sink. She takes it out of my hands and starts to clean the area she was just laying on. I’m disappointed to see the mess she made leave, but fuck I’m hopeful I can do it again.
She stops me before I head back out and kisses me again. She’s on the tips of her toes, her hands wrapped around my neck and this time I let her take the lead. Her tongue is apprehensive at first, but as soon as I open for her, she’s delving in. When she finally goes back to her normal height and is off her toes she whispers, “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for Soph, want you every single way I can have you,” I tell her before grabbing a platter and heading out towards the grill again.
I’m outside with a smile on my face and finishing up the final touches on our food when Sophia comes out with plates, bowls, and utensils. She darts back inside for the salad, dressing and napkins just as I’m placing the platter on the small bistro style table I have out here.
“Everything looks amazing. Thank you so much for having me, Vince,” she says as she’s making her plate.
“You’re always welcome here, Babe,” I tell her honestly. We sit down and eat our meal, shooting the shit, and figuring out what she’s going to do tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to fucking work. I should have just taken the rest of the week off and said fuck it, and deal with the day to day nonsense later on.
“What are your plans tomorrow?” I ask her, as she’s moaning over the steak she’s eating.
“This steak is delicious. Umm…I have a massage scheduled on the beach tomorrow, and then after that I’m going to shop a little in the boutiques. What are your plans?”
“Working, as much as I don’t want to. I’m hoping to get off around two though. Any plans for the evening?”
“None, that I’m aware of,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes.
“I’ll pick you up as soon as I’m changed out of my monkey wear and we’ll go do something fun,” I tell her and the thought of having to put on a pair of dress pants and dress shirt is enough to make me grimace. I’m definitely liking the more casual days I’ve had this week.
“Sounds good. I’ll have my phone by me. If you need to reschedule, in case your meetings last longer or something happens,” she says and it sounds good in theory, but fuck that.
“It’s not going to last long, if I have my way,” I tell her truthfully.
“Well, just in case. I know you’re busy and didn’t come down here just to entertain me.”
“Babe, I’d rather be with you any day of the week than working,” I tell her adamantly.
“Okay,” she says and we both finish our meal.
Chapter 15
We spend the rest of the day lounging around in Vince’s backyard. We even took a dip in the ocean a couple of times, and I have to say salty kisses from Vince are the best kisses yet.
“I’m going to run to my hotel room and get out of these wet clothes, and turn in for the night,” I tell him. I don’t think he wants me spending the night, or if he does, he hasn’t mentioned it yet.
“Soph, you can shower here. You can wear some of my clothes and stay here tonight.”
“Well, okay. I wasn’t sure if I was staying or going,” I say to him.
“You’re definitely staying if I have my way,” he chuckles.
Just like that, I guess I’m staying. I walk towards his master bedroom, and it’s like the rest of the house. It’s minimally decorated, but the bed! Goodness, the bed is huge and elevated. I blush looking at it, and then veer to the left to head into the bathroom.
I start the shower as I slowly divest myself of my shorts, tank top, and bathing suit. I see the towels are out and easy to grab and then I get in the shower. I guess I wasn’t thinking this through all the way because as I’m looking around all I see is body wash. No shampoo or conditioner. Men have it so easy.