Page 46 of Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet 4)
“I think we need to have a man-to-man chat beforehand.”
The last thing I want Owen to think is that I’m taking the role of his father. Though he never met Gabe, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to just accept me being here all the time. I’m content with just being in his life, but respect has to go both ways.
“Sure, babe. Just remember that he’s full of hormones and will probably have an attitude and rebellious side for the next eight to ten years.”
I snort. “Considering he’s your kid, probably longer.”
“Excuse me!” She swats at me, but I capture her wrist and pull her into my chest.
“Which I loved, by the way. Always gave me something to look forward to.”
Just as I slide my lips against hers, the doorbell rings.
“Oh my God, they’re here!” she squeals. “I’m so nervous.”
“Don’t be. They’re going to be over the moon.” I give her a quick kiss. “Let them in. I’ll grab the plates.”
Thirty minutes later, everyone’s seated at the dining room table. Katie bought gifts for both couples and plans to hand them out before dessert. I can tell how anxious she is and hope the conversations about other things calms her.
“Speaking of which, Archer called today and said he’s finally eligible for parole,” Tyler says, and Gemma’s eyes brighten.
“Oh my God, yay! That’s great news,” she exclaims.
“Wow, that’s sooner than he thought,” I say. Tyler told me about Archer weeks ago. He was Tyler’s cellmate back in Vegas, and they became good friends. He’s hoping he’ll move here and work at the gym since he wants a fresh start. From what Tyler’s told me, Archer’s obsessed with working out and boxing. He could probably be a trainer and keep a steady flow of customers.
“It might be a few months before he’s released, but he’s scrambling to figure out what he’ll do, and I keep telling him to come here. The only problem is…” He hesitates for a moment. “He needs somewhere to live until he has enough money to get his own place.”
“Isn’t the apartment above the grocery store available for rent?” I say. “Maybe you could talk to the landlord to give him a deal for a few months?”
“It was rented out last week.” Tyler sighs.
Since he and Gemma live in the cottage behind our dad’s house, I know they don’t have any extra room. Most of it’s covered in baby gear now that Gemma’s due soon.
“What about Everleigh’s? She has a spare room,” Gemma suggests.
Tyler shoots her a glare, but Gemma shrugs with a grin. “You needed ideas.”
“Yeah, but not living with my sister!”
“I’m right here,” Everleigh chimes in. “I can have whoever I want in my bed.”
“Spare. Room,” Tyler emphasizes.
“Oh my bad, I thought you said…” She glances over at Owen, remembering we have little ears in the room. “Something else.”
“Mm-hmm, sure you did.” Tyler groans. “I’ll come up with a different plan.”
“Just because a man lives with me doesn’t mean I’ll jump his bones, okay? I have willpower…mostly,” she mumbles under her breath.
“Does he have tattoos?” Katie asks.
“Uhh, yeah,” Tyler responds.
“Oh okay, then yeah, she’s doomed.” She laughs. “Bad boys with tattoos are her kryptonite.”
Everleigh waggles her brows with a smirk. “I’ll be callin’ him daddy in no time.”
Katie clears her throat, eyeing Owen, but he’s not even listening.
Everleigh shrugs.
“Plus, I wouldn’t even charge him rent. He could pay in other ways, though…” Everleigh taunts.
“Absolutely not,” Tyler barks. “You’re the last thing he needs the minute he gets out of prison.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asks, offended, and it takes everything in me not to laugh at their antics.
“It means he needs to focus on rebuilding his life, not getting mixed up in a relationship.”
“Who said anything about a relationship? We can be friends with benefits.”
He points at her. “Exactly. No.”
“What’s friends with benefits?” Owen asks, and we all turn toward him.
“Thanks, Everleigh,” Katie deadpans.
“Sorry,” she mouths.
“We’ll talk about it later,” Katie tells Owen.
“I’m gonna grab dessert,” I interject, hoping to shift the conversation since everyone’s finished eating.
“While he’s doing that, I have a couple of gift bags for you guys,” I overhear Katie tell them.
I take the peach cobbler out of the oven, then find the scooper and grab the ice cream. Once I have everything, I bring it all to the table and set it down in the middle.
“That smells heavenly.” Gemma inhales deeply. “Baby agrees.”
“What are these for?” Everleigh asks when Katie hands her one of the bags.
“I didn’t know we were exchanging gifts.” Gemma takes hers.
“Stop worrying, it was a surprise.” Katie smiles wide as she takes her seat. Her knee bobs under the table, and I place my hand over it to calm her. “Anyway, open them up!”
The first item they take out is a candle.
“Oh my gosh, I love the smell of baby powder.” Gemma sniffs and sighs. “So fresh and clean.”