Page 38 of Holding You Close (Ex-Con Duet 4)
On the way to the hospital, I call my dad and Gemma. I also reach out to Katie's parents and let them know what happened. By the time I arrive, Katie’s already in a room being pumped full of fluids. Her parents arrive with Owen, who's immediately upset to see his mom lying in a hospital bed.
“I'm fine,” she coos, trying to calm him. “Mama's gonna be okay.”
Owen leans across the bed and lays his head on her stomach. The stress of it all has gotten to him, and it's written all over his face, but he keeps it tucked inside. A typical Reid reaction.
I move closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder. “I wasn't gonna let anything happen,” I admit. Owen turns around and gives me a hug. I squeeze him tight, wanting to protect him just as much.
Katie smiles as she watches us, and I see a twinkle in her eyes. Her mom fills the empty space with a rundown of how the rest of the celebration went. My old friend guilt visits again when I realize I've thrown another wrench in Gemma and Tyler's happiness.
Before I can say anything, my dad and Gemma rush through the door with panic written on their faces.
“Oh thank God,” Gemma says when she sees Katie and me. “I was worried sick.”
Dad greets the Walkers, then pulls me into a hug. “You had me worried, kid.”
“I know. Hopefully, this won’t be an issue anymore,” I admit.
“What the hell happened?” Gemma finally turns and asks me. “One minute, you're searching for Katie, and the next, she's in the hospital.”
“It's a long story,” Katie says, giving everyone a very brief summary of what happened, without all the detail because Owen's in the room. I can tell she's being careful with her words, but Gemma gets the gist of it.
“Loretta?” Gemma whispers, then looks at Dad and me.
“Forgiveness heals the heart,” Katie's mother finally says. “She did the right thing.”
I nod, keeping my opinions to myself.
Eventually, we're told Katie will be kept a few more hours because she was so dehydrated. Everyone says their goodbyes. Her parents offer to take Owen with them, so I stay with her. Eric’s doing recon in the hospital, keeping tabs on Brittany, and texting me when he learns something new. Apparently, a police officer has been stationed outside her door to keep guard. As soon as she's released from medical care, she'll go straight into police custody.
I pull my chair next to the bed, wanting to be as close to Katie as I can.
“The thought of losing you nearly destroyed me,” I admit. “I wouldn't have been able to continue without you.”
Her soft eyes meet mine. “I felt the same. I thought...” She chokes up again. “I thought you were dead, and for that ten minutes, I didn't want to be alive either.”
I stand and lean over the bed, needing to brush my lips against hers. Before the kiss can deepen, the door opens, and the doctor enters. He smiles and stands at the end of the bed.
“Katie Reid?”
“Yes,” she confirms.
“We've gone over all the test results, and once you get the rest of those fluids in you, we'll release you. Your vitals are stable.”
She lets out a relieved breath.
“Oh, and the ultrasound showed the babies are fine too.”
My heart rate increases, and I give the doctor a confused look.
“Babies?” she asks, sounding just as surprised as me.
With a grin, he confirms. “Yes, I’m positive it’s twins. And they’re doing just fine. I’ll just ask you to start seeing your doctor soon so they can keep watch. Other than that, do you have any questions for me?”
“No sir,” she says with a tremble in her voice, and he leaves.
I turn to her, waiting for an explanation. “Did I hear him correctly? Or am I dreaming?”
A blush hits her cheeks, and she tucks her bottom lip into her mouth and nods. “Yes,” she whispers. “Noah, you're gonna be a daddy.”
My emotions take control, and my eyes begin to water. “He said babies, twins, as in more than one.”
She laughs as a big smile fills my face. “I'd just taken a pregnancy test yesterday because I realized I was late. I didn't want to say anything until I had blood work done because I don't trust those plastic sticks.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” I ask as a few tears of happiness roll down my cheeks. “You're pregnant with my babies. We're going to have a family together.” I try to take in the moment and enjoy it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I kiss Katie with so much passion, we nearly lose control.
“I'm so happy,” I admit.
“Me too,” she whispers. “Seems as if it's real and confirmed then. Apparently, I'm nine weeks. The estimated due date is in December.”