Page 25 of Stealing Valentine
“Alright, let’s go.”
My father’s voice jars through the moment, and we both pull away as he storms back over.
“I said let’s go.”
My lips purse. Slowly, I stand. “Actually, I’m leaving, dad.”
His lips pull back in a sickly grin. “The hell you are.”
I blink. “Excuse me?”
“You’re out of your fuckin’ mind if you think I’m letting you leave this goddamn house, let alone your room.”
I stare at him. “What?!”
“Oh you’re staying right the fuck here, missy, until I can figure out what sort of hand you had in all of this bullshit.”
“Like hell—”
The doors open, and suddenly, two of his goons come storming over. My father nods at me, and before I even know what’s happening, they’ve grabbed me by the arms.
“Get your fucking hands off of me!”
My dad chuckles. “And here I thought sending you to private school would make a lady out of you.” He sneers. “Guess only half your genes know how to behave like a civilized human.”
“Martin!” Diana blurts out, a horrified look on her face. “You can’t speak to her like that!”
He laughs. Laughs.
“I damn well can.”
“Well you can’t imprison her!” Diana sputters, her face white as she glances between me and her husband. “Dear, please, she’s obviously a victim in all of—”
“Mind your tongue,” he snaps. Instantly, she stiffens, paling.
My father turns to me. “Victim, huh? We’ll see about that.” He nods at the two guys holding me. “Take her phone, lock her in her quarters, guard the door. She doesn’t fucking leave until we sort this bullshit out.”
I scream as they start to drag me away, and Diana is still pleading with my father. But he just turns, waving a dismissive hand as they pull me away.
His face burns through my heart, and when I hear the key turning in the lock on my bedroom door, it’s him I focus on.
Him, the thief who stole my heart.
The man who found my soul.
The only one I want.
Chapter 13
The window slides shut behind me, and I go still. My ears strain, my breathing goes soft. It’s like doing this is part of my blood, and at this point after doing it most of my life, it probably is.
I’m breaking and entering. I’m here to steal. But, it’s not jewels I’m after this time. Not diamonds, not a famous painting, or blueprints, or political documents.
…I’ve come here for her.
It’s late. I’ve purposely waited for the rest of the house to go dark to make my move, even though I arrived here fucking hours ago. Hours spent pacing the back wall of the estate, trying to calm the fire roaring through my veins. But finally, it’s time, and now, I won’t be kept from her a moment a longer.
This is her room, and my ears strain again in the darkness for the sound of her sleeping. But when I hear nothing, I frown. I know she’s at the estate, and I know there are other places Martin might be keeping her. But that she’s not in her own room make me frown, seeing as I was so sure. I step into the big bedroom, my eyes sweeping the darkness. My gaze lands on her bed, and it being empty makes my growl catch in my throat.
Where the fuck is he keeping her—
I whirl, lunging into the voice on impulse and slamming the person back into the wall. My heart races, and the snarl catches on my lips before suddenly, I blink.
She giggles.
“I totally snuck up on you, didn’t I.”
I don’t even respond, I just do what I’ve been dying to do since they stole her from me.
I kiss her, hard.
Valentine moans into my mouth, melting into me as my hands go from grabbing her wrists to sliding over her waist. I press into her, still pinning her to the wall as I taste those lips, claiming her mouth all over again until we’re panting for air.
“Yeah, princess,” I growl, scooping her into my arms. “You did.”
In so many more ways than just now in the dark. She’s the girl I never saw coming. The one I thought would just fuck up my plans. And maybe she did, but damn am I good with that. She messed up my plans alright, but now, there’s a new plan.
And it’s all about her.
I kiss her again, slower this time, kissing her deeply until she melts into me once again.
“I knew you’d come looking for me.”
I chuckle. “And just how long have you been hiding out waiting for me?”
Valentine grins. “Oh, only since I heard you opening that window. Jeez, I’m surprised you didn’t wake the whole house. I mean aren’t you supposed to be this master thief?”
I arch a brow, grinning back at her as she beams at me.
“You like teasing me, don’t you?”
“Immensely,” she giggles back, kissing me. “So, what’s the plan?”