Page 17 of Make Me Yours
My body doesn’t really care why Jack was sporting an enormous erection during the photography session. My nipples hardened, my breasts got tender, and my pussy grew wet enough that I had to remove my underwear before the ceremony. The latter was a huge mistake both because my sensitive parts are exposed to the air and because the visions of Jack pulling up my skirt and impaling me with that massive shaft of his keep creeping into my head.
I gulp and clench my thighs together. I am going to hell for having these kinds of naughty thoughts standing in the Lord’s home.
I’m so sorry, God, but why did you make Jack so beautiful? Couldn’t you have given him a flaw? Just one? Like that he smells bad or that his smile isn’t so brilliant or that his muscles aren’t so well-defined or that he isn’t a decent and kind person? If you didn’t want me to get excited, then why did you make him the way you did?
There’s no answer.
The ceremony finally ends. I exhale in relief and ready myself for the exit walk. Even Wendy is smiling again. Greg clutches my sister’s arm and swings her to face him. I don’t know if he was going to kiss her or pick her up or what, but whatever his plan was, Wendy was out of the loop. She stumbles slightly. A swell of horror fills the church as Greg loses his balance, falling into Wendy whose arms cartwheel as she tries to maintain her balance. I reach out reflexively even though they are both too far away for me to grab. Claire’s bouquet crashes the to the ground.
We all hold our breath as Wendy loses the fight with gravity. The weight of her dress, the press of Greg’s frame against hers, pulls her straight to the floor.
A flash of black and white whips forward. It’s Jack! He grabs Greg by the middle of his tux blazer and tosses the man to the side. Greg is caught by a couple of his groomsmen. A split second later, Jack has Wendy by the waist and is setting her upright. He reaches behind him and drags Greg forward to stand next to Wendy and then melts back into place behind Greg’s best man.
The fear that had gripped the throat of the congregation drains away. In the back, distant clapping begins and then spreads until the entire place is shouting out their appreciation for Jack’s quick instincts.
I start to clap, too, until I catch sight of Wendy’s face. She’s furious. Jack has managed to upstage her wedding. Her angry eyes narrow in his direction. Instinctively, I step forward. Jack saved her ass and I’m not allowing her to light into the man because the groom decided to pull some post-ceremony stunt.
“Don’t,” I mouth.
An ugly expression passes across Wendy’s face—one that promises retribution, but she grabs Greg’s hand and drags him down the aisle, nodding to each pew as she sweeps by them in her massive ivory gown. The rest of us fall into line behind her, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Nice save,” I comment, slipping my hand around the crook of his elbow.
“Thanks. I figured I better do one decent thing during this ceremony or Wendy will have me lying in a pine box next door by the end of the night.”
He’s not wrong. She looked like she was measuring his casket size. “Once we’re at the reception, she’ll forget all about this,” I reassure Jack, jostling his arm lightly.
He squeezes my hand against his ribs. “You gonna defend me if she doesn’t?”
My heart flutters and so do other parts. I tell myself to calm down and push out a light, “Absolutely. I’m fairly certain the fabric of this dress could stop a bullet.”
“Wasn’t stopping my dick,” I hear him mutter.
My head spins around so fast I could give a horror show a run for its money. “What’d you say?”
His eyes widen in surprise. He hadn’t meant for me to hear that. “What’d you say?” I repeat.
Jack hesitates and, then, in a deep, husky voice, replies, “I said that—”
“What are you doing?” a high-pitched, angry voice screeches behind me.
I tear my eyes away from Jack’s beautiful face and see Wendy standing a few feet away, with her hands on her hips, her veil slightly askew, and thunder in her eyes. The realization dawns that Jack and I have stopped walking down the aisle.
“Save that thought,” I whisper fiercely and paste a bright smile for Wendy. “Sorry, I tripped.” I start forward, but Wendy blocks my path.
“You have been waiting for this day all your life, haven’t you? You’ve always been jealous of me and the attention I receive. You’re jealous that I’m prettier and thinner and more popular.”
“Hey, now, that’s not tru—” Jack pipes up.