Page 20 of Finding Home
“You watching me?”
My eyes fly back to her face from where I was playing with her blond, silky locks. “Yeah,” I admit, not shy about it. I don’t have a shy bone in my body but I love watching her cheeks turn pink like they are doing right now. She bites her lip, her shyness coming back. This time she doesn’t hide it or try to get away from me. In fact, she snuggles closer, her hand running up my chest.
“Colt,” she starts to say.
“It’s Saturday. You’re not working.” I cut her off. I don’t know why I go on the defensive so fast. She only smiles. It settles me down real quick. I’m not used to getting worked up in the first place. She can do that to me. Fuck, this woman could do anything to me. She owns me and doesn’t know it. I’m thinking she still isn’t getting how done in I am for her. I plan on spending the entire day showing her how wrapped around her finger I really am. Maybe I plan on having those long legs of hers wrapped around me at some point also.
“I was going to ask you if we could eat breakfast on the porch.” Her smile gets bigger. Maybe she does know how done in I am because she’s enjoying that I got worked up so easy. “You’ll have to cook it, though. I’m terrible in the kitchen,” she admits.
“I don’t believe you’re terrible at anything.” I’d eat anything she made me with a smile on my face as long as she made it in our kitchen. I picture her in nothing but an apron while standing at our stove. This image does my cock no favors but it will have to wait. “But I’ll cook you anything you want, sugar.”
Gambit barks, wanting in the bedroom. Only to remind me it’s past his breakfast time. I made sure to lock him out last night since he has an obsession with Charlotte. I didn’t want an audience. I don’t care if it’s just a dog. He is a little cock blocker. He thinks that he is the only one that can get a laugh or a smile out of Charlotte. The two of them are actually really adorable together. I’d be jealous but it gives me an idea of how she’ll be with our kids. I kiss her mouth before reluctantly pulling myself from the bed to head out to feed the little fur ball. I know if I stay any longer I’ll end up between her legs again. She needs rest, along with food. I want to show her that her needs will always come first. That I will take care of her.
I slide on some pants before I walk toward the kitchen. My phone goes off with an alert that lets me know someone’s at the front gate. I open the app and see it’s Drake. I slide my finger across the screen to open the gate, wondering what the hell he wants so early in the morning. I was hoping for a day of peace and quiet to spend with my girl. Gambit is yelping at my feet so I quickly feed him. He’ll probably run into the bedroom as soon as he’s done eating to be with Charlotte. Lucky little dog. I already miss her and she’s only a few rooms away.
I hear Drake’s truck pull up the driveway and a door slam so I head to the front door to let him in, flipping the lock.
“What the hell is so important that you’re at my house this early?” I say as I head back to the kitchen, Drake following behind me.
“Good morning to you too, sunshine,” he says dryly. “Where are those country manners you pride yourself on?” Drake sits at the counter like he owns the place.
“What is it you need, Weston? Make it quick. I got shit to do.” I place a pan on the stove and begin to make Charlotte’s breakfast. I’m hoping to get back to her before she gets up. She looked almost about to fall back asleep when I left her.
“Is that the thanks I get for getting Charlotte here after you practically blackmailed me to do it?” Drake says it with a half-smile, shaking his head. “By the look of you, it seems to be working out real good.”
I turn to look at him, wondering what the hell his point is. Yeah, I had something he wanted and he had something I wanted. We traded favors. What’s done is done.
“I still need her to work for me so don’t get any ideas of her retiring.” He says the last part with a frown on his face. There it is. I don’t know if Charlotte would choose to give up her job or not. That is her decision to make, but I do think it’s something she could do from here if she wanted. Drake is here now. It might even make things easier—or she could just quit.