Page 7 of This is War (Checkmate Duet 1)
“About how his sexcapades better not disturb my sleep.” My last day of class is Friday and then I had planned on staying at Drew’s during spring break instead of going home, since campus will be shutting down this year. Something about budget cuts and not wanting to pay for the added security.
The corners of his lips perk up a little, but his eyes stay focused on whatever creature he’s aiming for. “Eh, you get used to it. Soon enough, it’s like calming music that puts you right to sleep.”
“Ew, that’s disgusting, Drew. Seriously. Have some standards.”
“I do! What do you want me to do? Tell him he can’t have girls over?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s your house too.”
“We each pay half the rent. I can’t do anything about what he does in his room or with who.”
I groan. “This is going to be the worst two weeks of my life.” Why does spring break have to be a whole week longer this year?
He pauses his game and finally turns toward me. “You could always go home and stay with mom and Larry. Or go to Dad’s.”
I scowl. “I’d rather eat a rat.”
“Well, then suck it up, buttercup. Two weeks of manly bliss.” He winks and returns to his game.
I groan at the truth of his words and drop the subject.
My clothes finally finish up just after eleven p.m. The crack of thunder and sound of the sudden downpour turn my attention to the window, making me sigh at the horrible luck.
“You can crash on the couch if you’d like,” Drew calls over to me from the kitchen. “I’m about to head in.”
“Yeah…I’ve yet to start packing.”
“For what?”
“For Mia’s.”
“Wait, what?” I whirl around to face him at the mention of his girlfriend, who attends college a couple hours away. “You’re leaving?” It was the first I’d heard about it.
“Yeah, didn’t I tell you?” I shake my head furiously. “Using up a couple weeks of my vacation while she’s on her spring break.”
My eyes widen in anger. “What? I’m going to be alone with Travis the entire time?”
“Yeah. I swore I told you.”
“Does my face look like you told me?” I ask, loud and annoyed.
He shrugs. “Sorry. Thought I did.”
This isn’t happening. This cannot be happening.
“So I’m going to be stuck here alone with Travis?” I clarify.
“I guess. Maybe his dates can help keep you company,” he taunts. I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it at him from across the room.
“Not funny!”
He easily dodges it, pushing it away before it hits him. “I find myself pretty amusing.”
I groan and collapse on the couch with an exaggerated thud.
“If it helps, you can sleep in my bed. I’ll even put on clean sheets for you.” I hear the sarcasm in his voice.
“Gee, thanks. How accommodating,” I retort dryly.
“Anything for my baby sis!” he calls out before walking to his room. “Night!”
I grab the blanket off the floor and cover up, burning with rage knowing the next two weeks, I’m stuck in the same house as Travis King—#1 asshole and heartbreaker.
The rain slams against the roof and windows of the house and I toss and turn for what feels like eternity. Finally, I fall asleep, although it’s restless.
The alarm on my phone goes off and though it’s been hours, it feels like only minutes have passed. For a moment, I have to remember where I am. I blindly reach for my phone and open my eyes, only to see Travis standing close to the T.V., shirtless with pajama pants sitting haphazardly on his hips. He’s not what I want to see first thing this morning. He quietly watches the news, turning his head to glare at me until I click the button to turn off one of the most annoying buzzing sounds in the world. I groan and roll over on my side, hoping he’ll go away, but when has he ever done anything I’ve wanted? Never. Last night I hoped I’d be able to grab my laundry and sneak home before class, not having to see him again until this weekend, but lady luck is obviously not on my side and neither is Mother Nature. Stupid rain.
“Did you have sweet dreams about me, princess?” he asks, confidence dripping in his tone.
His words anger me, maybe a little more than they should, but he shouldn’t say shit like that to me especially in the morning before I’ve had any coffee. “That’d be a nightmare.”
He laughs, showing his perfectly straight teeth, and I linger on his plump bottom lip a little too long, which makes me even madder. Thankfully he doesn’t notice. My nostrils flare, and I throw the blankets from my body and stand. My hands find my hips and before I’m able to give him a mouthful, Drew walks into the living room and interrupts me.