Page 70 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
“Sleep more,” she says without a beat. “And have more sex.”
My eyes meet hers. The air around us stills, and I clear my throat only for her to laugh.
“Kidding. Jesus.” She sits on the couch and tucks her feet under her body as she enjoys her coffee. I’m forced to adjust myself because my mind goes back to that night when she begged me to touch her. Fuck me if I’m not reliving that moment right now, wanting to lay her down on the couch and give her everything her body begs for. We still haven’t talked about it mainly because I haven’t found a way to bring it up without it being awkward as hell. Maybe one day.
As I open my mouth to say something, Alison starts crying. She lets out a sigh.
“I’ve got it,” I tell her.
“Are you sure?”
I nod. “Absolutely.”
When I walk in the room, I instantly know Alison needs a diaper change. The first time I changed it, I thought I was going to puke. Nothing’s worse than baby shit, and I don’t think anything could’ve prepared me for it. Or maybe I’m being dramatic about it. I watched a dozen YouTube tutorials by dads so I could learn how to do it correctly.
After Alison is changed, I carefully hold her and sit in the rocking chair. She’s so precious and loved by everyone already.
“Did you think of your New Year resolution?” I ask softly, laughing. We have chats all the time, and this little baby knows all my secrets.
“Really?” I ask as if she answered. “No more waking up in the middle of the night all year long? Wow, turning a new leaf so soon.”
I hear Lennon’s soft laughter in the doorway. She’s smiling, and I notice the sparkle in her eye when she looks at me. “See, you’re the only one who’s not on board with resolutions.”
Lennon checks her phone. “Maybe I should go ahead and feed her since she’s awake.”
“Sounds good to me,” I say. Lennon holds out her arms, and I hand Alison over. Giving her privacy as she breastfeeds, I grab the clean clothes from the hamper and throw them on the couch. Turning on the TV, I notice the New Year’s Eve celebration has already begun and decide to text Hayden because I know he’s having a hell of a time being in the city with all those people right now.
Hunter: Surviving?
Hayden: KILL ME!
I burst out into laughter.
Hunter: Just saw the madness on TV. Holy shit. Times Square is packed as fuck.
Hayden: I can’t go anywhere. I’m basically trapped inside the apartment. Savannah planned a big party with all her theater people, and they’re going to be singing karaoke all night long. Seriously. Kill me.
Hunter: Better you than me. Happy New Year, bro. Next year is the wedding. Exciting things are happening.
Hayden: You too. Next year maybe you’ll actually grow some balls and ask Lennon out.
I roll my eyes.
Hunter: Shut the fuck up. I hope they sing nothing but show tunes all night for that.
He sends me a middle finger emoji, and I chuckle and lock my phone. As I’m matching socks, I can hear Lennon singing. The sound of her voice causes me to pause, and I mute the TV and listen. Hearing her sing to Alison never gets old. There’s so much passion in her voice that it nearly takes my breath away. After a while, she goes quiet, and soon she’s stepping into the living room. Spit-up is on her shirt, and her hair is in a messy ponytail. She looks gorgeous as hell, but I try not to stare and bring my focus back to my clothes.
“I’m a hot ass mess,” she finally says, shaking her head. She looks at the TV and sees the countdown in the corner. Glancing at me with intent, she softens her voice. “Why aren’t you out having fun? There are tons of things going on downtown. I think Mason and Liam are throwing a party too. Why aren’t you over there?”
I shrug and give her a pointed look. “Because I’d rather be with you.”
“Me in all my glory? I’m not fun. You should go,” she insists.
Shaking my head, I throw her a smirk. “I know what my New Year resolution is. I just figured it out.”
“What’s that?” I watch her breasts rise and fall as she waits for my next words.
“I’m not going to let you say anything negative about yourself anymore. News flash. I love spending time with you, Lennon. Baby poop and all.”
She snorts, but I can tell she’s in her head. So I grab a beer from the fridge and give her a minute. When I come back, she’s playing on her phone, and I sit next to her. She moves closer, and I open my arms for her to lean on me. We watch the celebrations from the comfort of the couch, and I laugh at how miserable Hayden has to be.