Page 65 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
He shrugs and chuckles. “It’s complicated, and she was never really home anyway. If you wanna know, you’re gonna have to ask them. I’m sure one day it will all come out,” he says with a mock grin, teasing me. I don’t push it any further, though curiosity has the best of me. It says a lot about how much he cares about them and keeping their trust, and I don’t want to overstep.
We spend the rest of the night munching on snacks and watching TV, and at ten, we decide to head in for the night. This last week of school before Christmas break is so busy between getting everything ready for maternity leave and writing a detailed schedule for the substitute teacher who’s taking over my class for the next three months.
It’s three in the morning when pain shoots down my stomach to my groin. It feels like the baby is clawing her way out, and when I try to move, the pain intensifies. I manage to move onto my side and pull my knees toward my chest. The Braxton Hicks are stronger than they’ve ever been before and breathing through them just isn’t an option. Instead, I groan, unable to hold back.
“Lennon!” Hunter whips my bedroom door open. “Oh my God. You’re not okay.”
“No, no, I’m fine. I just need to stand up and reposition myself,” I insist.
Hunter grabs my hands, pulls me to my feet, and I immediately hunch over the bed as I try to catch my breath.
“These can’t just be Braxton Hicks, Lennon. You’re in labor,” he states matter-of-factly.
“It’s too early…” I argue. “I’m not ready. I have work tomorrow. I can hold her in. It’s probably false labor anyway.”
“Lennon, what?” he asks startled.
Glancing over at Hunter, he looks at me as if I’ve gone crazy.
“You are ready! You’re just freaking out because it’s really time! We have to get you to the hospital.”
Not letting me argue, he goes to his room then comes back dressed thirty seconds later. He grabs my hospital bag from my closet, then asks if I want to change.
“No, they’ll make me wear a gown anyway,” I tell him, then he’s taking my hand and leading me out the door.
Everything moves at double speed when we get to the labor and delivery floor. They immediately admit me into a room, hook me up to the monitors, insert an IV, and I learn I’m already four centimeters dilated.
I text Sophie and Maddie, knowing they’re probably sleeping and won’t see my messages, but I want them to know as soon as possible. Hunter, of course, is a godsend, constantly asking me what I need, getting me ice chips, and rubbing my shoulders. The fact that he’s never experienced this before has me wondering how he’s so calm and eager to help anyway he can. I thought I’d be the one talking him through this but instead Hunter’s keeping me relaxed.
The nurses assume Hunter’s the dad, and since neither of us correct them, they wrap a hospital bracelet around his wrist. He might not have fathered this baby, but he’s just as invested in this as I am.
“I want you in here,” I tell him after the fourth hour of waiting.
“I am,” he says, furrowing his brows.
Tilting my head, I shoot him a look. “I mean when it’s time to deliver,” I clarify. “I know we haven’t really talked about it, considering everything, but as I’ve learned, plans change.”
“You do? Really? Are you sure?”
I grin at him, nodding. “Absolutely. Well, I’m ordering you to stay above my waist, though.”
Hunter cracks a smile and laughs. “Deal.”
An hour later, my doctor arrives and breaks my water to speed up the progress. Dr. Potter warns me the contractions are about to get more painful, and if I want the epidural, it’s now or never.
“Yes, please. It’s hurting badly already.” I wince. She squeezes my hand, then tells me she’ll be back.
“I can’t believe I’m going to meet her soon,” I say to Hunter once the room is cleared out. “It feels surreal.” He stands next to the bed, then bends down and kisses my forehead. “I’m scared,” I admit. “It’s so painful.”
“I know.” He brushes his hand across my cheek, then fixes the flyaway hairs on my face. I actually love when he does that. It’s so comforting. “Brandon would be so excited if he could be here. He’d be losing his damn mind,” Hunter tells me with a soft smile, and tears well in my eyes. He knows I was thinking about Brandon and always knows just what to say. I wish he were here to experience this with me and I miss him so damn much, but knowing I’m about to have his baby gives me the strength to do this without him. Though I don’t always feel strong and there are days I just want to curl into a ball, I feel his presence. It gives me the comfort I need to keep moving forward.