Page 55 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
Fuck my life.
Silence draws on as she gives me a disappointed look, and this time, Hunter can’t save me with his effortless banter and boyish grin. This time, I’m going to have to face the lies I’ve told.
“You’re right, Mom. We aren’t married,” I admit, and a weight lifts off my chest even if this whole situation is painful. I feel like a kid getting caught stealing from the cookie jar. “I’m sorry I lied.”
She lets out a sigh, not accepting my apology but not dismissing it either. “Now, I’ve been trying to understand why you would lie about getting married, but it must be the obvious. You and Hunter are having a baby out of wedlock and—”
“No.” I refuse to allow the lies to go on any further. “It’s not Hunter’s baby.”
Her face contorts, and then I think I see sadness flicker in her eyes, sadness for Hunter or me—maybe both. “Oh.”
“Mrs. Corrigan,” Hunter intervenes. “I apologize for lying to you and your husband. It was never our intention to hurt you. Brandon’s the dad, and it’s been really hard for Lennon to deal with, considering he’s no longer with us. Pretending to be married was one hundred percent my idea. Lennon loves you both so much and didn’t want to lose you after already losing Brandon. So we came up with a plan and lied. I hope you can understand why we felt we had to.”
My throat burns from the unshed tears I refuse to release at the mention of him. Not only did I drag Hunter into this, but now my mother is probably going to lose her shit.
My mom looks between Hunter and I with a frown on her face. “I’m sorry, Lennon,” she says genuinely. “I’m sorry you don’t have Brandon here anymore, but you do know all actions have consequences.” Her tone went from soft to firm in two seconds flat, not that I should really be that surprised.
“I don’t want to hear the talk right now. We’re past that.” My tone is harsh, but she deserves it. The last thing I need is sex to be thrown in my face and for me to be made to feel like the villian when I’m so damn thrilled about being a mother.
“What’s done is done, Lennon. I can see that.” Her eyes glance down at my stomach. “I understand why you felt like you had to lie, but now it’s time to handle things correctly. I can tell by how you two acted in Utah and by your photos that you have mutual feelings for each other. Love like that can’t be faked.” She looks between us while my heart stops beating altogether.
“Don’t worry. I’m not planning to discuss this with your father. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. But the lie is already out there so before more people find out the truth and feel as if they were scammed by you, I’d suggest you make it right.”
Make it right? What the hell does that mean?
Before I lose my cool, I stand and clear the table since we’re all finished eating. The apartment is small, and there’s not nearly enough space to disappear like I wish I could. I walk into the kitchen, hoping to find some sort of clarity and gain control of my emotions. She’s pushing my limits, and I don’t want to say something I’ll regret. While I don’t want to lose her or my father, it seems inevitable at this point.
“Lennon…” Hunter comes into the kitchen, whispering my name. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?” I look at him confused, rinsing the plates in the sink. “This isn’t your fault.”
He brushes a hand through his hair, looking down at his feet before his gaze finally meets mine. “It is. I should’ve told you, but I didn’t wanna freak you out or make you more stressed.”
Considering my mother is at the table and she’s only ten feet away, Hunter stands close to me, his breath whispering against my cheek. This situation is so awkward, and I hate that he’s stuck in the middle of it.
“Told me what?” I ask, keeping the water running so she doesn’t overhear.
“The day Jenna came to my work, she threatened to leak our secret.”
“What?” I whisper-shout. “How’d she know?”
He shrugs. “You can find almost anything on the internet, Lennon. She’s a nurse and probably hacked into your medical records to find your family history, due date, and personal info. Hell, I don’t know. Maybe she put two and two together. Probably found your Instagram or even stalked us. For all we know, she’s crazy. I’m just speculating here, but regardless, she found out and has to be the ‘anonymous’ tip.”
I’m seething. My blood is boiling, and my heart racing as I try to think of a hundred ways to get away with murdering her. Temporary insanity? Could use the hormonal card maybe.