Page 5 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
As my anxiety get the best of me, I can’t stop imagining the worst-case scenario after telling my parents I’m pregnant. At least Hunter is here with me, so it won’t be as scary. When we’re twenty minutes away from my parents’ house, Hunter’s cell phone vibrates, and I see Jenna’s name flash across the screen.
“Are you going to answer it?” I ask, a tinge of jealousy returning.
“No,” he says flatly, rejecting the call.
I look out the window, trying to keep my voice level and calm. “You can’t keep ignoring her. What if something happened? Being stressed while pregnant isn’t healthy for her or the baby.”
A chuckle releases from Hunter’s lips. “I’m sure she’s fine. This whole situation isn’t anything to worry about. Take your own advice and stop stressing.” He grabs my hand. “It’s not healthy for you or the baby.” He repeats my words in a mocking tone. “Lennon, I’m here for you. Always. We’re gonna get through this.”
I know he’s trying to comfort me, but it’s easier said than done. “Hunter, I don’t want you to make promises you can’t keep. Jenna showing up today was proof that things always change. I know you said the baby isn’t yours, and I’m putting my trust in you when you say that. But it’s just a reminder that one day you’ll meet the woman of your dreams and want to start your own family. I know you said you’ll always be around for me and the baby, and while that might be true right now, there’ll come a point when you can’t, and I’m trying to accept that.” I suck in a deep breath. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to me, Hunter. When you’re ready to date and forget about this fake marriage, just let me know. It’s tearing me apart knowing my fucked-up situation holds you back. I can’t be that person. I won’t be.”
He tenses, grabbing the steering wheel tight before glancing over at me. “You have nothing to worry about. I know we’re just friends, Lennon. So stop believing you’re going to ruin some relationship of mine that doesn’t even exist because you’re not. I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I haven’t been with anyone in a while—and before you even start, it’s not because of you—I don’t want to be with anyone. Especially not right now.” His words linger, filling the car.
I open my mouth to say something, realizing how confused I am thinking about this. Instead of speaking, nothing comes out. I want to ask him how he can feel that way, how he can be so content with this plan or how it could mess things up with his potential dating life. But I don’t. My hormones are completely out of whack, and I’m overly emotional. I need to gain control because in ten minutes, we’ll be face to face with my parents. I can’t show up upset or crying with a man I’m claiming to be my husband. It would be the worst first impression ever. My mother will instantly notice and it’ll be a conversation I don’t want to have before I drop the pregnancy bomb on them.
“Listen. We’re almost there, and I think it might be best to put this all on hold and talk about it later when we’re back home. Right now, we have a fake marriage to pull off. We have to get into character and play the part of the madly in love newlyweds for my unsuspecting parents.” I look over at him, and he nods in agreement.
“That’s probably for the best,” he says, turning down my parents’ street.
I swallow down the knot in my throat as the house comes into view. We pull into the driveway, and I try to gain an ounce of strength though I feel like I’m crumpling from the inside out. Hunter grabs my hand and squeezes.
“Do I look pregnant?” I ask him with a smirk. I’m purposely wearing a baggy shirt because although I’m only fifteen weeks pregnant, my small bump is noticeable in tight shirts, and they can’t know how far along I really am. It would ruin our entire story.
“You look great,” he reassures me with a wink, which should calm me down, but I’m hit with a rush of nerves. “Let’s do this, wifey.”
“What if this is a disaster? What if my parents freak the hell out? What if they figure out we’re lying and this was all for nothing? What if—?”
“Lennon.” Hunter’s deep voice snaps my gaze up to his eyes. He wraps a hand around the nape of my neck and pulls me close until our lips collide. I instantly relax, letting his mouth erase all my fears. He pushes back, and I frown. My breathing is erratic as I replay what just happened in my mind. “Better?” he croaks out as if the kiss affected him too.