Page 45 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
I can’t argue with that.
Nodding, I give her a smile. “Okay. I’m due in December though so…”
“We’ll figure out a day, so don’t even worry.”
By noon, the entire staff knows, including the principal. She poked her head in just before I left for the day to congratulate me. She asked how I was doing and inquired about my maternity plans. I hadn’t thought too much about it, considering I’d been living mostly day to day, but now that I have a baby on the way, I have to think ahead and plan accordingly. I told her my due date, and that I’d hopefully be able to make it until Christmas break. That means I can take a full twelve weeks off for maternity leave and not return until sometime in March.
Hunter texted me to see how I was holding up, and I was so happy to see his message, knowing how hard today was going to be for me. I texted him a Friends GIF of Ross in the episode where he says “I’m fine” in a high-pitched voice. He came back with another Friends one to which started the GIF battle of the past six hours.
We’ve certainly come a long way.
The next day of conferences is boring, but knowing my ultrasound appointment is afterward keeps me motivated throughout the day. I get to see my baby again, some new pictures, and will finally find out the gender. I’m beyond excited.
Sophie and Maddie are meeting me there. I mentioned it to Hunter and told him he wasn’t obligated to go with me since my sisters were coming.
He insisted he’d be there anyway.
I don’t argue it of course. I appreciate that he wants to be here for me, but after the doctor assumed he was the father the first time, I wasn’t sure he’d want to join me again.
Sophie: We’re five minutes away. SOMEONE made us late.
I snicker when I see a group text with my sisters.
Maddie: I couldn’t find my shoes, sorry! Want me to show up barefoot?
Sophie: She had three other pairs to pick from. Don’t let her fool you.
Lennon: I just got here and am about to check in. Meet me on the third floor.
Maddie: Don’t find out what that baby is without us!
I snort-laugh.
“Did Soph tell you she’s online dating now?” Maddie says a second after they arrive. “Should see some of these creeps she’s meeting.”
They both give me a hug and rub my belly before sitting on either side of me. I haven’t seen Maddie since her dance recital two weeks ago. Things have been crazy getting ready for the baby and going back to work.
“Online dating, huh? Finally gave up on Mason?” I ask, chuckling.
Sophie rolls her eyes. “If I wait for that man to make up his mind or make a move, my ovaries will be dried up, and I’ll be wearing bifocals.”
“By your driving, I’d say you need them now,” Maddie teases.
Sophie glares at her. “What was that? You wanna ride the bus home?”
“Is this what sex deprivation does?” Maddie asks me. “Once you have it, then no longer have access to it, does it turn you into a hormonal psycho?”
“Look who you’re asking,” I mock. “I’m both sex deprived and hormonal.”
“Fair point.” She slouches back into her chair. “You should see some of these messages, though. Their pick-up lines are cringe-worthy.”
“Yes, please tell,” I turn and say to Sophie with a shit-eating grin. “Amuse me.”
“Ugh, thanks, Mads.” Sophie groans, then grabs her phone, clicking open the app.
“I bet those braids are useful in the bedroom. Wanna bend over and find out?” she reads aloud, then gives me the side-eye.
I burst out laughing. “What the hell?”
“Oh, it gets way worse. I learned the hard way not to post a picture with braids now.”
“Who knew?” I snicker. “Okay, more.”
“Violinist, huh? Guess that means you’re good with your fingers. How about you come over and play my instrument?”
I crack up all over again. “That’s kinda creative.”
She reads another one. “Are you a vegan because I wanna nut all over you.”
“Ew!” I laugh. “Are they all sexual innuendos?”
“Ninety-nine percent, yes.”
“Tell her about Cale,” Maddie says with a smirk. “He’s my favorite.”
“Cale got blocked,” she says matter-of-factly.
“Oh c’mon! I was having fun with him.” Maddie cackles.
I look back and forth between them. “Oh God. You let Maddie talk to him?”
“She couldn’t handle Cale, so I handled him for her. Turns out Cale didn’t have as big of balls as he said.”
“What did you do, Maddie?” I ask pointedly.
“He asked to see a picture of my tits and ass.”
I cringe. “And?”
“I sent him a picture of a chicken’s breast and a donkey. He wasn’t amused.”
Shaking my head, I laugh. “Then what?”
“I told him if he could name the US state capitals in alphabetical order, he would earn the right to see one nipple,” Maddie explains.