Page 20 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
With a laugh, Dad shakes his head and pretends to zip his lips.
“Did you have fun today?” Hunter asks.
“Tons, but now I’m tired,” I admit with a sheepish grin.
Mom enters and pours herself a cup of coffee. As she’s stirring in the sugar and cream, she looks over her shoulder at me. “Don’t forget we have dinner with the Andersons tonight. We’ll need to leave in two hours.”
Dammit, I forgot, but I smile and nod. “Of course.”
“You’ll need to dress up a bit. We’re going to Sebastian’s Steakhouse,” Dad tells me, then glances over at Hunter.
“Great. Sweetheart, do you want to take a nap before going? I know you’ve had a long day,” Hunter quietly asks, and I nod, thankful he can read my mind. We make our way out of the kitchen, and as soon as we’re in the bedroom, Hunter takes a few steps toward me, then tucks loose strands of hair behind my ear.
“Was today really okay?” he asks, searching my face.
“It was. My mother and I bonded on a completely different level than ever before. It was as if I got an invisible adult card as soon as I told them I was married and pregnant. She didn’t treat me like a child but more of an equal.” I keep my voice low. “They’re so happy. Does this make me a horrible daughter?”
“No,” he says matter-of-factly. His warm breath brushes against my cheek, and when I look up into his brown eyes, I feel as if I’m falling—. The urge to kiss him nearly overtakes me, and I bite on my bottom lip to hold myself back, but I’m pretty sure he notices. I watch his tongue swipe across his bottom lip, and I force myself away because behind closed doors, there’s no one to pretend for. At that point, what we’re doing is real.
And this can’t be real because my heart can’t take another heartbreak.
I walk to the bed and take off my shoes, trying to get ahold of my emotions. Hunter turns and watches me, and I laugh. “I wasn’t kidding about a nap.”
“Oh, I didn’t think you were,” he says. “Shopping wears me the fuck out. So I can only imagine how it made you feel, considering all the bags I saw in the living room.”
“She wouldn’t stop buying stuff.” I slide under the blankets, set an alarm on my phone, then let out a sigh.
Hunter sits on the bed, and I roll from side to side, unable to get comfortable, though exhaustion is settling in. Noticing, because he notices everything, Hunter lies down and wraps his arm around me. With his body warmth blanketing me, I almost instantly fall asleep.
The sound of the alarm on my phone forces me awake. Opening my eyes, I look around and see I’m still in my old bedroom, but I’m alone. I slept so damn hard, I wasn’t really sure where I was. Knowing we’re going to eat dinner with the associate pastor and his wife tonight makes me nervous. Mrs. Anderson isn’t one to keep her comments to herself and talks in a condescending tone when she’s trying to hide what she really wants to say. My mother only tolerates her because of the position her husband holds at the church.
I slip on the dress I packed along with some flats. When I walk down the stairs, Hunter is in the living room with my parents. I stop before making my presence known and listen to their conversation.
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Lennon is my everything, and I can’t imagine my life without her,” he tells them. My chest aches at his words.
“You two are adorably in love.” My mother practically swoons.
“Madly in love,” Hunter adds. Trying to save him from my parents’ interrogation, I walk down the stairs and enter the living room, hoping they can’t see how hard my heart is beating.
When Hunter sees me, he stands and walks over. “Sleep okay?”
I can’t help but study him from top to bottom with a smile on my face. Damn, he’s even wearing a tie. “Like a baby,” I tell him. He dips down and kisses my cheek, and when he pulls away, I feel guilty for desperately wanting more of him.
My parents stand, and Dad grabs his keys. “Guess we should get going. Don’t want to be late.”
“I need to go upstairs and grab my wallet real quick,” Hunter says, and my parents tell us they’ll meet us in the car.
Before I walk out the front door, Hunter grabs my elbow and swings me around to face him. Without a word, he cups my face then slants his mouth over mine, and our tongues twist and dance together. Warmth rushes through me as he pours himself into me, and I’m so fucking greedy, I don’t want him to stop. I don’t know what it is about his kisses, but they’re more addictive than caffeine or chocolate. When he pulls away, I’m breathless and confused. Shocked, actually.