Page 14 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
I quickly finish my food and excuse myself to get ready. Oddly enough, I’m not even worried about leaving Hunter with them, knowing he has this husband thing down.
Once I’m showered and look presentable in a sundress and flats, I make my way down and announce I’m ready to go. It’s already eight thirty, and my parents wanted to be there before nine. The 5k run has already started, so we’re supposed to meet up with their church friends at the park.
“You look beautiful,” Hunter whispers when he’s standing in front of me.
Smiling up at him, I reply, “Thank you. I like this getup you have going on.” I gaze my eyes down his body before looking back to his face.
Hunter chuckles. “Thanks. Figured casual wear was best for outside activities.” He shrugs as if he’s insecure about it, but he has no reason to be.
“It’s perfect,” I reassure him.
My parents meet us at the door and we follow them outside. We ride in the back of the car, and Hunter grabs my hand as if we’ve done it a hundred times and doesn’t even have to think about it anymore.
“This city is so impressive. It’s gorgeous,” Hunter says, looking out the window.
“You should see it in the winter. It’s a huge tourist attraction,” my father chimes in.
“Maybe you could come back for a visit?” My mom looks over her shoulder at us. “Maybe after the baby’s born?” she asks hopeful.
Hunter squeezes my hand and responds before I can. “We’d love to do that.”
Clearing my throat, I grab my mom’s attention as she’s easily gawking over my fake husband. “The baby’s due in the middle of January, so I’m not really sure we’ll be able to swing it.”
Lying to her about the baby’s due date makes me feel guilty as hell, but it’s inevitable at this point.
“We’ll play it by ear, sweetheart,” Hunter says, turning and looking at me with a wide smile. I know he wants them to like him, so I nod in agreement so the subject can be dropped.
Finally, we arrive at the crowded park. Hunter gets out of the car and leaves the door open for me. After he slides out, he takes my hand and helps me up.
“Relax,” he whispers, closing it behind me. He rubs a palm over my shoulder, then down my arm before he grabs my hand. “We’ve got this, remember?” The wink he flashes me sends a shiver down my spine. Hunter’s charm puts every other man to shame.
With a deep breath, I nod and smile. “You’re right. It’s just…we’re about to get bombarded.”
Hunter shrugs with a smirk. “I’ve had these unrequited feelings for you since the moment I met you, but always kept my distance out of respect for your relationship with my best friend, and after his death, we leaned on each other and grieved our loss together. We grew closer and could no longer deny what was brewing between us.”
My heart races as his words come out so confidently, and I almost lose my breath.
I blink, looking at him with confusion. What?
Then his smirk deepens. “That’s the story we’re going with, right? About how we got together?”
My stupid heart. It nearly stopped beating with how casually he said those words. A part of me wonders how he plays this role so easily while the other part knows he’s doing this for Brandon, but I can’t help thinking there’s so much more to it.
I finally snap out of my thoughts. “Oh duh, yes.”
“And after the circumstances that brought us together, we decided that life was too short and wanted to be together for good. Got hitched in Vegas and knocked you right up.” He winks, sending butterflies straight to my pregnant belly.
Ugh. These damn hormones. They need to be locked up because I can’t take how they’re confusing me.
I snort at our story recap. “Sounds about right.”
Hunter grabs my hand, pulls me against his chest, then dips his head. “Showtime, Mrs. Manning.”
And then he slants his mouth over mine for a breathtaking, heart-stopping kiss.
Chapter Five
Park City is unlike any place I’ve ever visited before. It has a mountain town vibe, and I can see the appeal for those who live here. The views alone have me wanting to stay longer than a few days, and I love seeing where Lennon grew up. It’s so different from Sacramento.
Lennon’s parents lead us to a spot at the park filled with picnic tables and lots of people. As we walk across the green grass, I notice she has her mother’s features but know she gets her fierceness from her dad. Mrs. Corrigan begins introducing me to members of their church, many shocked to hear the news of our marriage and pregnancy. We socialize, play our roles, and Lennon seems to enjoy catching up with people she hasn’t seen in quite some time. Our hands stay interlocked, and I make sure to show affection like a typical newlywed. Soft cheek touches and lingering kisses.