Page 100 of Baby Yours – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 2)
“Yes! I’m one hundred percent positive! Trust me, I was in shock, too!”
Hunter blinks, looks at Alison, then back at me. “I can’t believe it.” He brings his hand to my stomach, then pulls me in for a deep, heart-stopping kiss. “I didn’t know if we’d really be able to…” When he rests his forehead on mine, I feel his tears against our cheeks. When we found out his test came back normal three months ago, we decided not to prevent pregnancy and live with the if it happens, it happens mentality. He’s been worried since we’ve been having unprotected sex for so long that we might not be able to have kids. I had to explain to him that it can take up to a year for healthy couples, and in worst-case scenarios, even longer. But as soon as I was late and my boobs felt sore, I knew. It was signs I missed the first time around, but it was impossible to ignore now. I took five tests to confirm it, and when the final test showed the pink lines, my tears were from pure joy.
I’m giving Hunter a baby, and we’re growing our family.
“Did you hear that, Allie Kat? You’re gonna be a big sister!” He takes her out of the car seat and squeezes her.
I watch them with pure admiration. Hunter even added to his ink collection a couple months ago and got her name and birth date tattooed on his chest over his heart. I was stunned when he brought up the idea and then said he planned on adding our wedding date to it once we set one.
“You’re gonna have to share your toys,” he tells her with a pointed look.
I snort, laughing at how adorable he is with her. There’s a lot to figure out still—if we’ll get a bigger place, when we’ll get married, and if I’ll go back to work after my maternity leave. The realization that we’ll have two kids under two hits me.
“We’re going to have double diaper duty,” I tell him. “I hope you’re ready…”
He smiles so wide, blowing raspberries on Alison’s cheeks. “I’m so ready. For all of it.”
“I love you,” I tell him, leaning over to kiss him.
He puts Alison back, then buckles her in before cupping my face and crashing our mouths together in a deep, passionate kiss. “I love you so damn much, Lennon. I can’t wait to marry you, have a dozen babies, and live happy every single day with my family.”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Ten minutes later, the three of us are packed up and on the way to the church. It’s Hayden and Savannah’s big day, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Ever since we got engaged a few months ago, Hunter’s dad has been making an effort to repair his relationship with his two sons. I know it’s been years in the making, and it won’t be fixed overnight, but I respect the man for trying.
“I’ll see you soon, sweetheart,” Hunter says, brushing his lips against mine, then immediately focuses on Alison. “And you too, baby girl.” He kisses her cheek, and she tries to lick him.
Hunter and I go our separate ways. He’s the best man, and I’m one of Savannah’s bridesmaids. We’ve grown closer since we met, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know her. It was entirely unexpected when she asked me to be in her wedding party, but I appreciated being included and am honored.
Savannah introduces me to her best friend, Donny, who’s the Man of Honor, and his boyfriend, William. Donny’s telling us all the juicy gossip about New York and what it’s like to live in the Big Apple. Everyone except William and me are theater actors. William tells me how he first met Donny and ended up moving from California to New York to be with him, which I found super adorable.
The bridesmaids sing, dance, and drink while we wait in the bridal suite, and they have me laughing my ass off. Alison gets passed around and loved on, and I spill the beans about baby number two. I know Hunter has probably told Hayden by now, but I still have to tell my sisters.
Maddie is coming to the ceremony to watch Alison for me, and then I invited Sophie and her boyfriend but she sent me a text shortly before it started saying she’d see me at the reception. I didn’t have time to ask her why.
In the past six months, I’ve only seen Weston a few times. They moved in together three months ago even though I begged her not to. She wanted out of her apartment that badly. Between her busy work schedule and me being in bed by nine, we barely spend time with each other now. After seeing those bruises on her arm, I don’t trust Weston as far as I can throw him, and she’s been distant and weird when I bring it up. I miss her so much, and I’m looking forward to seeing her tonight, so I can make sure she’s doing okay but also announce the baby news.