Page 82 of Baby Mine – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 1)
Hunter: :) I’ll be home soon.
I stand in my office and run my fingers through my hair. It’s so easy for me to live in this make-believe world where Lennon secretly feels the same way about me, but I know that’s not the case. I’m not trying to swoop in and steal her. Boundaries—I’ve got to make them and not break them.
On the way home, I try to imagine how Sophie and Maddie are going to react. Considering they’re the ones who forced Lennon to buy a pregnancy test, I doubt it’ll be a complete shock. I bet there are a few told you so’s thrown in because that’s just how Sophie is, being the oldest sister and all.
When I make it to the apartment, music blares throughout, and it smells so damn good. I drop my bag by the door and walk to the kitchen where Lennon dances around in those damn tiny jean shorts and a tank top, mixing something in a bowl. I lean against the doorframe and watch her, soaking this all in and wishing things were different for us.
“Holy shit!” she screams, pointing the mixing spoon at me with a death grip.
I burst into laughter. “Sorry! I didn’t want to interrupt your dance solo.”
She places a hand on her hip. “You almost made me pee myself, which apparently is another delightful symptom I get to embrace.”
I shake my head and snort, walking farther into the kitchen. “Whatcha cookin’ for me?”
“Homemade chicken pot pies,” she answers with a smile. “For everyone,” she adds. “I was watching the Food Network earlier today, and it looked good.” She shows me her phone where the recipe is. “So I thought I’d try it.”
“So you find out you’re pregnant and become Betty Crocker?” I taunt. She’s always cooked with the exception of the past couple of months.
That earns me a smirk. “When the cravings call, you follow them.” She shrugs unapologetically.
Lennon pulls the crust off the cookie sheet and stuffs it in a baking dish. After she pours in the filling, she carefully places the second dough on top and puts it in the oven.
“I’m gonna take a shower. How much time do I have?” I ask.
“My sisters will be here in twenty minutes.”
I nod. “It’ll take me ten.”
I rush to the shower and turn on the water. I told her it’d take me ten minutes, but I clean up and dress in eight minutes flat. There’s just enough time for me walk in the living room and sit on the couch before a knock sounds on the door.
“I got it,” I call out as she comes rushing out of the kitchen. She makes it just past the couch when the timer goes off on the oven.
“I didn’t change clothes!” She looks down at herself. “Shit!” She goes back to the kitchen, the timer stops, and I hear the oven door pop open.
I let out a laugh and answer the door. As soon as I do, Maddie and Sophie rush in.
“Oooh, you smell good,” Maddie says, making a show of inhaling up my chest. Sophie turns around and smacks her shoulder.
“Don’t start,” she says between a gritted smile, glaring at Maddie.
Maddie plops down at the kitchen table with a huge smile on her face. “Lennon, why’d you insist Buzz Killington come over too?”
Sophie rolls her eyes and sits at the table just as Lennon comes out carrying the masterpiece she made.
Maddie’s eyes go wide. “Holy shit. You made this?”
Lennon beams proudly and passes out the plates and forks. “Why is everyone so shocked? I know my way around the kitchen!”
“Because growing up, cooking meant Pop-Tarts and a can of tuna,” Sophie adds to the blow.
When I burst out into laughter, all three of them turn and look at me, then go back to giving each other shit. I can only imagine how they were all under one roof.
Lennon’s soft gaze meets mine, and she lets out a ragged breath. Her sisters aren’t paying attention as they scoop food onto their plates, but I notice every little thing about her, even if she thinks I don’t.
Once we all have food and start eating, Lennon clears her throat, and I can tell she’s nervous. I look at her, encouraging her with one simple glance.
“I’m sure you two are wondering why I invited you over,” she begins. I can see her pulse throbbing in her neck. I almost reach over to hold her hand, to calm her, but I don’t.
“To tell us you and Hunter are finally a couple?” Maddie says with a huge grin.
Lennon’s face contorts. “What?”
“No,” I add at almost the same time, seeing how Lennon’s face reddens at Maddie’s words. Sophie gives Maddie the death stare, and she shrugs like it’s no big deal. I’d find it humorous that Maddie constantly gets scolded by them, but I’m too terrified to react because I don’t want Lennon to see my true feelings.