Page 37 of Baby Mine – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 1)
Brandon looks down at the photo on his phone, smiles, then locks it. I can see the sparkle in his eyes and know how fucking happy he’d be spending the rest of his life with Lennon. “I haven’t told anyone yet, not even my parents, so you have to promise not to let it slip around Lennon.”
Ever since I saw her in my kitchen that night, I knew this wouldn’t be easy. I just didn’t realize as time passed, it would only get harder.
I smile and let out a chuckle. “I won’t tell her. I’ll take your secret to the grave. Also if you need any help with anything, I’ll be happy to do whatever you need. I’m here for you.” It’s a response that’s expected even if I just want this conversation to be over so I can drown my feelings in a bottle of beer.
“Well, I wanted to ask you something too. I know it’s probably early for this, but I want you to be my best man. You’re my best friend. You’ve been with me through everything, and I can’t imagine you not standing up there beside me as I marry the woman of my dreams. I imagine it’ll take a while to plan the wedding, and the earliest it would be is next year, but—”
“I’d be honored.” I cut him off and swallow hard.
Brandon stands, and so do I, and we exchange a tight hug. “I’m happy for you. You deserve it, man,” I tell him, genuinely meaning it.
As we break apart, I grab my plate and place it in the sink. He does the same. “Thanks. Appreciate it. Now to grow some balls and get down on one knee and pray she says yes.”
I chuckle. “She’s going to automatically say yes the moment those words leave your mouth. Shouldn’t even be a concern.”
“Hope you’re right. I never imagined I’d find someone like her—gorgeous, sweet, strong values—and she’d actually be interested in a guy like me. We never would’ve met had you not guilted me into going out that night. When I think about it, she’s actually more your type. Well, based on the girls you dated in college. I never dreamed I’d even have a chance, but I felt something almost immediately, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting her go now.”
The knife in my chest drives in deeper as if that was possible. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Lennon wanted you, or she wouldn’t be with you.” That’s been fucking clear since day one.
Brandon nods and watches me rinse off our plates. “I know you two have this weird sibling rivalry thing going on, but you’ll both have to learn to like each other or at least get along. We’re going to be a big, happy family,” he says, snickering. “The wedding, then hopefully buying a house, and then starting a family. You two are gonna have to set your differences aside so I don’t lose my damn mind. That or Lennon will eventually cut your balls off once and for all.”
At least my façade is believable. The last thing he needs to know is how I feel—how I’ve always felt—about his future wife.
“Yeah,” I tell him, cringing at the visual. “It’ll be fine.” I wipe my hands on a towel.
Brandon chuckles, knowing damn well it’s not going to be that easy.
“I think I’m gonna go to the gym,” I tell him, needing to release the weight of the pain bubbling in my chest. I’m fighting an internal tug-of-war I know I’ll never win.
“Cool,” he says. “I gotta stop by the office. I left my laptop there yesterday.”
“Working on the weekend? Damn.” I walk past him, forcing a chuckle.
“I won’t make partner within the next decade if I don’t show initiative,” he sarcastically responds.
I go into my room and change to my workout clothes, grab my keys, and tell Brandon bye before I head out.
Once I’m inside my truck, I sit there with the engine idling, trying to catch my breath as I hold the steering wheel with white knuckles. I knew this day was coming. Their relationship has always been serious since day one but even more so since Lennon moved in. The part of my heart reserved for her knew this was inevitable. The sinking feeling takes over, and the guilt of wishing she’d chosen me instead of him practically strangles me. I need to work through my demons and be genuinely happy for them both.
I drive to the gym, but after I park, I call my brother before going inside.
“Hayden,” I say as soon as he answers.
“Everything okay?” he instantly asks. I know I don’t sound like myself because I certainly don’t feel like myself.
I try to find my words because I don’t want to be a little bitch about this, but Hayden knows the truth—the full story. He’s the only one who does. “Brandon just told me he’s gonna propose to Lennon in July.”