Page 25 of Baby Mine – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 1)
Though time has passed since we worked together, I probably shouldn’t do this. It’s obvious she’s always been attracted to me, but I don’t want to give her the wrong idea because we’re not two strangers who just randomly met up. However, I came here tonight for a reason, and now that reason is Jenna.
As we walk out of the bar, she schedules a ride because neither of us is sober enough to drive. Moments later, we slip into the back of a car, and as we head toward her apartment, I give no fucks about my decision.
Chapter Five
Last year, Brandon went out of his way to make Valentine’s special for me. He proves how much he loves me every day, and I know tonight won’t be any different; if anything, it will only be magnified.
After I get out of the shower, I blow-dry and curl my hair, then slip on a slinky black dress and high heels. I meticulously apply a smoky look to my eyes and contour my face. I smile in the mirror when I finalize the sassy look with a coat of deep red lipstick.
Before I walk into the living room where Brandon patiently waits for me, I go into the bedroom and pull out the strand of pearls he gave me during our first year of dating. I grab my clutch and tuck my phone inside.
As soon as I enter his line of vision, Brandon turns around and immediately stalks toward me.
“Baaaaaby,” he says, running his gaze down my body with a smirk. Placing his hands firmly on my ass cheeks, he pulls me in close for a kiss. “You look so damn beautiful.”
Butterflies swarm inside me, and I blush, and the only thing that breaks our gaze is my phone vibrating in my clutch.
“Shit. Hold on,” I tell him and see it’s a FaceTime call from my parents. “I have to take this.”
“It’s fine. We have plenty of time.” He swats my ass and steals another kiss before I answer.
I accept and see my parents sitting next to each other, grinning wide. “Happy Valentine’s Day, honey!” Mom singsongs. I’ve loved this holiday for as long as I can remember. Something was always so fun about bringing handmade cards and candy to school and handing them out to my classmates and teachers. It was the best day of the entire school year because there was always a party with juice boxes and cupcakes. Now that I’m on the opposite end of that, I kept that tradition going with my students by treating them yesterday.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” I smile, and Brandon comes into their view when he stands behind me.
“Brandon!” They both squeal. It’s sweet how much they adore him. They haven’t met in person yet but have talked plenty on FaceTime.
“How’ve you been? You two look nice. Are you going on a special date tonight?” Dad asks in his deep, commanding voice.
We’re both grinning from ear to ear. “Yes. He just came over to pick me up, and we’re about to head out.”
“Such a gentleman. There needs to be more men in the world who meet their dates at the door,” Mom praises. “You’ve got yourself a keeper there, Lennon.” I wonder if she can see the pulse in my neck going haywire like it does every single time I lie to them about us living together.
Brandon nods, his smile never fading. “Always,” he tells my parents. “I’m never late either.” I hold back my laughter, knowing he’s just trying to get into their good graces as he plays along with my story.
“Okay, we’ll let you two go on your date. Going to call Sophie and Madelyn and wish them an awesome evening too. We love you,” Dad says.
“Love you too.”
Brandon waves. “Love you tooooo!”
I hurry and hit end and place my hand on my chest over my heart. Twisting me around to face him, he doesn’t smile but gives me a pointed look.
“Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You’re a nervous wreck every time you talk to them.” Brandon searches my face as my breathing steadies.
I let out a long breath. “Dad’s a pastor, Mom’s the daughter of a pastor. Ringing any bells?” I ask with amusement.
“But don’t you think it’d almost be easier to just tell them the truth, considering how long it’s been since you moved in?” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest.
I look up into his eyes and shake my head. “You know what kind of household I grew up in, babe. Sometimes, and in this case, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. It’s my life, and I want to live it how I want, but they don’t see it that way and never will.”
He nods, twisting one of my curls between his fingers. “I understand your decision, sweetheart. One day, I want to make you my wife, and I want your parents to be there because I know how much they mean to you. Whatever you think is best, okay?”