Page 20 of Baby Mine – Hunter & Lennon (Roommate Duet 1)
Brandon turns to him. “Do you have any plans? Gonna find a lucky lady maybe?” Brandon’s tone is filled with hope and encouragement.
With an eye roll, Hunter shakes his head. “Nah. Valentine’s Day is lame as fuck. Unless Lennon wants to share her Valentine with me, I’m riding solo.” He forces a wide, giddy smile at us, clearly making fun of the whole concept.
I let out a fake yawn and stand. “I’m tired. I think I’m going to call it a night,” I announce, hoping Brandon gets the message. He lifts an eyebrow and smirks, and that’s all I need to know he does.
Because Hunter’s constantly trying to get a rise out of me, I look directly at him, and say, “Make sure you soak that bowl, okay? That means add water to it. Think you can manage that, or should I draw you a diagram with little stick figures?” I taunt in a high-pitched voice, purposely talking to him like one of my five-year-old students. Of course he doesn’t appreciate it, scowling and narrowing his eyes at me. If he wants to be treated with respect, he’s gonna have to show some respect first.
“I wouldn’t quit your day job if I were you. Jokes are pretty stale,” he retorts with a mouthful.
“Sadly, for you, that wasn’t a joke, considering you don’t actually know how to soak a bowl.” I flash him a go-to-hell grin, then walk out.
Once I’m in the bedroom, I light a few of my favorite scented candles I keep on the dresser. The ambiance of the warm glow reflecting off the wall sets the right mood. A few moments later, Brandon enters and gravitates toward me. Our mouths crash together, and I instantly melt into his warm body. Without missing a beat, we greedily remove our clothes. His strong hands memorize my body, every curve, every inch that’s his. Moments later, he’s lifting me in the air, and my legs instinctively wrap around him. His skin feels hot against mine as we stumble to the bed, and he takes me, all of me. I need him more than I need air, feeling as if I can never get enough.
“I love you, Lennon,” he murmurs, trailing kisses combined with bites over my heated skin that’s burning for more of his touch.
“I love you too. So damn much,” I whisper. As we get lost in each other, I feel as if I’m falling into the abyss with him, and I don’t ever want to be found.
Chapter Four
Work was a total shitshow today. After going through bids for the pool added by the owner yesterday, I realized the project might go over budget, which he didn’t like hearing. It’s not like I can make a grotto like Hugh Hefner’s magically appear; everything costs money. Because of the adult fit he threw, I was late for two different meetings and didn’t have a chance to eat lunch. Thank God I keep shitty protein bars in my truck as backup because, without them, I would’ve starved today. Though it might’ve been better than eating what tasted like play dough mixed with rubber chocolate chips.
I drive across town, sit in traffic for nearly forty-five minutes, and by the time I make it home, I’m so damn irritated that I find it hard to concentrate on anything. Bottom line is today sucked.
After I park, I grab my laptop and head to the apartment. Brandon’s sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table drinking a beer and playing on his phone. He always leaves early on Fridays; the life of an accountant. If only. He gives me a head nod and a smile when I enter.
“Hey, how was work?” he asks.
“Sucked assholes,” I tell him. “I need a drink or ten.” I go to the fridge and pull out a beer, then join him on the sofa. Though I know I should eat first, I don’t really care at this point.
“Where’s your other half?” I ask, wondering where Lennon is because it’s nearly dark.
He chuckles. “She’s with Sophie and Maddie until around ten.” He lifts his beer, then chugs it. “So I have a favor to ask.”
I already have an idea what about, but I arch a brow at him as I drink. “What’s up?”
“Can you go a little easier on Lennon?”
I narrow my eyes, wondering how hard he’s going to be on me this time. Not that I’m a bit shocked. Lennon looked like she was about to blow a gasket yesterday.
“I think you’re really starting to hurt her feelings,” he continues. “I mean, I know you don’t like her living here very much, but she’s stressed with work, and you constantly picking on her makes things miserable for her. Plus, I really want you two to get along. You’re my best friend, and she’s my girlfriend. We’re going to be in each other’s lives for a long time. I know it takes two to argue, but you fight like brother and sister. Honestly, you both have so much in common, it’s actually sickening. You’d probably be really good friends if you gave her a chance.”