Page 37 of Forever Mine (Roommate Duet 0.5)
“Just stop, Hayden. The last thing I need before I drop you off is for you to lecture me about love. Let’s not forget you’re not an expert on the subject. Okay?”
Instead of getting upset, I let out a laugh, mainly because he’s right. “True. I just hate seeing you like this. I know how hard it is for you.” I give him a pointed look so he knows I don’t want to argue either, but I’m his big brother and looking out for him has been my job for years.
“I’ll be fine, and when I’m not, I’m bugging your ass,” he taunts, and the tension lifts.
“I’m only a phone call away,” I remind him. “But I’m three hours ahead, so just remember that when you wanna drunk dial me.” I chuckle, knowing he won’t give two shits about the time difference when he’s wasted.
Soon, Hunter pulls into the airport and parks. The last time I was here was a month ago when I dropped off Savannah. Remembering the look of sadness on her face has my heart lurching forward. I knew I’d be coming to her soon, but I wasn’t sure how long it’d take. I wasn’t wasting any time when I got everything in order to make the move.
Since most of my things were shipped to Savannah last week, I only have a carry-on and suitcase to haul with me. I get out of the truck and grab my things. Hunter walks around, and we exchange a smile and a big hug.
“I’m really gonna miss you,” he says, and I can hear the sadness in his voice.
“Only a phone call away, remember that. I’m here for you,” I tell him, and we pull apart.
“I’m not gonna be a pussy and cry, but I’m almost tempted.” He lets out a hearty laugh as he leans against his truck.
I shake my head at him and grin. “I’ll text you when I get there.”
“You better,” he says. “Or I might catch a flight and come kick your ass.”
“As if you could take me, little bro.” For a moment, we look at each other, and I know he’s going to be okay. I give him a head nod before wheeling my bag across the sidewalk and enter the airport. I’m doing this. I’m really doing this.
I manage to stay awake the entire flight, and when the plane touches down at LaGuardia Airport, I can barely contain myself. After I grab my bags and make my way outside, I realize I’m smiling like an idiot. Before I can figure out where I’m supposed to go, Savannah comes skipping toward me wearing dance tights under her shorts and T-shirt. I manage to just catch her when she leaps into my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist as I hold her, digging my nose into her hair and inhaling.
“Fuck, I missed you,” I tell her as her feet touch the ground. When our eyes meet, she’s got the biggest smile on her face. I’m so fucking happy she’s here. There was a strong possibility she’d be held over at practice because she has a show that opens in a few weeks.
“I missed you too!”
“Can’t believe you made it on time,” I say, wrapping my arms around her body.
She nods and looks up into my eyes, and my lips gently swipe against hers, stealing a kiss. My movements are slow and calculated, and I want to get lost in her. I’ve counted down the days to when I could do this very thing again. People pass us on the sidewalk as we’re consumed with each other. Becoming more greedy, our kiss deepens, and we breathlessly force ourselves to pull apart.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here. Feels a little surreal,” she tells me as I grab my suitcases and follow her to the bus stop.
“Me too.” I chuckle.
While we wait for the bus to arrive, she hands me a Metrocard.
“You’re gonna need this. It’s your New York car keys,” she explains and laughs when I give her a puzzled look. A moment later, the bus pulls up.
After fifteen minutes, we’re dropped off at a subway location. Carrying my suitcase up and down stairs is hell as I follow Savannah toward the boarding area for the train. While we wait, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me. She melts into my body.
“You know where we’re going?” I ask as we stand on the platform and watch a train pass us by.
“I have the rail system memorized. Ten years of not driving anywhere helps.” She squeezes my hand. “Don’t worry. You’ll eventually get used to it.”
“That’s encouraging.” I grin because right now I’m confused as hell, and I know the look on my face says as much.
We step on the subway after hordes of people rush off. Savannah lives close to the Theater District, so we have to stay on for the next ten stops. Eventually, we offload and walk up more stairs until we’re above ground and standing on a busy sidewalk. Five blocks later, we finally arrive at Savannah and Donny’s building—my new home. Donny wanted to give me and Savannah more privacy living together, so he took over a lease from one of their theater friends who’s traveling the world for a show. Just so happens, his new apartment is in the same building, which is full of actors apparently. He’s pretty excited about being neighbors, has already planned for us to hang out several times a week, and the thought makes me laugh.