Page 41 of Twelve of Roses
They were deep red and tied together with a white bow. Anyone could have left these here. My grandpa was a well-loved, well respected man endeared to a lot of people in town.
I placed my carnations down with a small sigh, staring at his name for a few minutes. I should’ve been here with him. I found some comfort in knowing he lived a full life and had been happy. If there was some afterlife for good people, he would surely be there right then, drinking mimosas with Grandma.
Feeling the vibration of my phone, I reached in my bag and withdrew it, checking the caller ID before swiping to accept.
“Hello?” I answered, turning away from Grandpa’s grave.
“Hey! What do you have going on tomorrow morning?”
“Nothing much. Why, what’s up?”
“I’m going to be there sooner than I thought.”
“How much sooner?”
“Like, seven-ish in the morning sooner…”
I laughed and hit the unlock button for my Rouge. “Of course, it’s fine. I’ll even make breakfast if you want.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you in a few.”
I ended the call and got in my car, making a mental list of what I needed to do before Darcy got here. We hadn’t seen each other in months, not since I first got out of the hospital. She’d only been able to stay a weekend, so I couldn’t meet her fiancé. He was making this trip with her this time around.
I wasn’t too crazy about having a guy I didn’t know in my house, but I couldn’t tell her no. I’d already agreed to be her maid of honor. At least now I could judge this man for myself.
I double checked the guest room was ready and put some extra towels in the attached bathroom. There wasn’t much to do beyond this. With everything set for Darcy’s arrival, I was ready to chill in my bed for the rest of the night. I could barely stay up past ten these days.
I took a quick shower and just did that, wrapping myself in a terry-cloth robe and settling in with my tablet. After thinking about it, I found myself going to my email and opening one that Darcy sent when I first got out of the hospital. I didn’t have a cell right away, and I stayed away from social media these days.
I didn’t want to risk any chance of coming in contact or exposing myself to Con. I found what I wanted and re-read it.
To: RosieM12
Remember the Ryan guy I told you about? The one I met online? He moved out here a few months ago. The man is a true gentleman. (They still exist!) And he has the most GORGEOUS blue eyes and this indescribably sexy accent.
He said he’d love to meet you, so I think I’ll bring him with me next time. What do you think? Miss U.
There wasn’t anything about it that said this man had something to with Constantine. The blue eyes and accent were all I had. Plus, Darcy had been talking to this man before everything went down between us. He had a good job and seemed to be established.
But I kept coming back this to email. I didn’t have a valid reason for being paranoid. I knew once I met him, I’d feel better.
At least, I hoped.
I hadn’t heard from Constantine since he’d left flowers in my hospital room. He’d seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. The people in Black Pine who had gotten to know him under the guise of Max were miffed.
They didn’t understand how someone could just up and leave a life they’d established and settled into, their home and job abandoned like it was nothing. I myself didn’t know the full extent of the Burrow family background, but I knew Constantine was repeating an old family cycle. He came from money and connections.
Reynolds had distanced himself from that part of his family for the most part. He still helped them when he could, though. Even recently.
He had been ‘assisting’ the Black Pine police department in investigating. That’s how I knew more than I should. He often relayed what was happening. I knew he was still protecting Con, though. He was also doing the same for me, making sure I wasn’t bothered. The man had been caught in between and couldn’t seem to pick a side.
Hearing a car pull into the drive, I left the kitchen and peered through the front curtain. A newer town car with blacked out windows pulled in, coming to a stop behind my SUV.
Darcy got out on the passenger side and caught me watching. She smiled and waved exuberantly. I forced a smile in return, unable to take my eyes off her newly dyed red hair. It caught me completely off guard. It was a switch up from her usual light tones.