Page 32 of Built For Her
“You guys should just come see the place,” Genevieve says, and my sisters beam.
“You mean now? Tonight?” Lynn asks excitedly.
“Whatever the lady wants,” I say, nodding to Genevieve.
“Yes, please!” Steph says, and Genevieve practically drags us from the fair.
I walk my sisters to their car and see they parked beside us. I help load Genevieve in the truck and make sure my sisters are following me.
“I really like them,” she says as she glances behind us. “Gabi will love them, too. I hate she got sick; she could have come over and hung out.”
“I tried to warn her,” I say, and she laughs.
“You can’t tell her anything.”
“What are we going to do with all these?” I ask, pointing to the pile of stuffed animals between us.
“I’ll take them to work. They’re doing a toy drive, and I don’t need them,” she says picking up the unicorn. “Well, maybe we can save one.”
She laughs as I roll my eyes and drive us home.
Chapter 18
“So, tell me everything about you and Barrett now that he’s not in here,” Steph says as we look outside to where Lynn and Barrett are talking.
Barrett took Lynn outside to show her the plans for the garden. It’s nighttime, but the porch lights are on, and apparently Lynn really loves to garden.
“It’s all happening fast, but it feels like it’s been happening forever. You know?”
“I totally get it. It was that way for John and me. I ran away to college the second I could, and he was like a brick wall that came out of nowhere. From the moment we met it was fast and we were inseparable after that.”
She stares out at her siblings, watching them.
“They used to have their own garden together when they were little,” Steph says.
“Really?” I love hearing details about Barrett as a child. I want to know it all.
“The two of them have always been close.” There’s more in her voice, but I can’t tell what it is. “They’re out there talking about me.”
“How can you tell?” I ask, following her eyes.
“Because I can see the tension in Lynn’s eyebrows and Barrett keeps clenching his fists.
“Can I be honest with you?” I say, wanting to have everything out in the open.
“It would be refreshing,” she says as she turns to me and smiles.
“Barrett told me about Mark,” I admit, and I see the surprise in her eyes. “He told me because he saw me go on a date with him, and he intervened before anything could happen.”
“Shit,” she whispers and turns away from the door and walks back into the kitchen. “I should have known he wouldn’t stop.”
“You don’t have to tell me about that night. But if Barrett hadn’t been there to warm me and to step in, I don’t know what might have happened. Maybe nothing, but after I turned him down I could see a side of him I didn’t see before.”
“I didn’t tell Barrett that night everything that happened because I knew he’d kill him. He had his whole life ahead of him and I didn’t want him to go to jail because of my stupidity.”
“You weren’t stupid,” I say, sitting down beside her and putting her hand in mine. “You were young, and Mark is a predator. One that hasn’t stopped over time.”
“We had dated a few times, but one night he got aggressive. I told him no, but he didn’t stop. I just closed my eyes and let it happen because I knew if I fought it would be worse.”
A single tear rolls down her cheek and she wipes it away. My heart aches for her and for the innocence she lost. I think about my first time with Barrett and how special and beautiful it was. How much I wanted it to happen and how willing I was to give myself to him because I trusted him. She had that choice taken away, and no one should ever be in that position.
“You didn’t tell the police?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
“I got a restraining order, but it expired. That’s why I’m home now. I got a creepy letter in the mail and I know it was from him. All it said was, Time’s up and I’ll never forget,” she says, straightening up. “I’ve been through a lot of therapy and I know what happened wasn’t my fault.”
“You’re totally right,” I say, squeezing her hand and offering support.
“Back when it happened, my dad knew a judge and he got a restraining order without any evidence or charges. I couldn’t get the same one now because of the statute of limitations and the previous judge has retired.” She clears her throat and looks over at me. “There’s nothing I can do about it now.” She glances back to where Lynn and Barrett are. “I haven’t told them yet. Lynn thinks it’s all taken care of, and I can’t tell Barrett. He’ll flip his lid.”