Page 12 of Built For Her
She spins around, and her expression tells me she didn’t expect me to give up so easily. Then she straightens as if remembering this is what she asked for. “Yes. Okay then.” She’s all business now. “Just fix the things we went over and that’s it. Leave your bill tonight and I’ll mail you a check.”
“Sounds good,” I say, and don’t try to hide my smile.
Ginny grabs her purse and nearly stomps past me on her way out the door.
“Have a great day,” I say, and she looks back at me one last time before she closes the door behind her.
Now the fun begins.
Chapter 7
I flip through one of the books, glancing over the pages but not really taking anything in. I still can’t believe how I walked around in front of Barrett this morning. It wasn’t until I’d gotten the coffee into my system that I realized that I was standing in front of him almost naked. His eyes roamed over me and I felt my body heat.
I’m blaming the incident on my restless sleep from last night. From nightmares about Mark to fantasies about Barrett, my mind couldn’t focus on one thing, so I ended up tossing and turning. It wasn’t until my mind decided Barrett was a knight in shining armor that I finally drifted off into dreamland. Then I proceeded to have some of the dirtiest dreams I’ve ever had in my life.
My mind flashes back to one part in particular and I have to cross my legs. My favorite was him pinning me to the bed then kissing his way down between my thighs. Good lord, I’d woken up covered in sweat.
I’m blushing like a crazy person while I sit here all alone.
This is why I kept pushing for professional with him this morning. It was more for me because I know that at any moment I might launch myself into his arms. I can’t handle not having control of my body. Especially with someone I don’t even really know.
I still can’t explain this attraction that developed so quickly, but it’s there and I can’t stop thinking about it. My great idea is, out of sight out of mind, but as I sit here and daydream about him, I can already see the effort to push him away was futile. I’ve read this page ten times and still have no idea what it’s about.
I shut the book, letting out a long sigh. Maybe I’ll grab some lunch and try to refocus. I jerk my head towards the door when I hear a knock. I freeze when I look up and see Mark standing there.
“Hey.” He steps into my office and starts to shut the door.
“Leave it open. It’s hot in here.” I surprise myself with how quickly the lie comes out.
He pauses, his eyes narrowing for a moment before he does as I ask. Then he walks into my office and takes a seat in front of my desk.
“Is there a reason you’re not responding to my texts?”
I want to tell him it’s because I blocked his slimy ass but then remember I have to work with him occasionally. Which reminds me I need to talk to the mayor about that. I really don’t like the idea of him being alone with women in empty houses while he’s inspecting them. I’m not sure there’s much anyone can do without proof, but I have to do what I can for other women out there.
“I’m terrible with my phone. Everyone knows that.” I shake my head and give him a fake smile.
“I wanted to talk to you about Barrett Copper. I have a feeling he’s said some crap about me.” He leans forward.
The desk still separates us, but I don’t like him moving in even a little. I shrug, unsure how to respond.
“Yeah, well, he’s a prick and doesn’t like me because I stole a few girls from him.” He puffs out his chest like a proud peacock.
Yes, please tell me more about how you’re a ladies’ man. That will really have me wanting a second date. I have to fight from rolling my eyes.
“The things he said…” I trail off, not even wanting to repeat it.
“Let me guess, about his sister, right? She was just pissed I dumped her and went a little crazy. You know how some women can be.” He lets out an exasperated breath.
“No, I’m not sure how some women can be.” I can’t stop the bite of anger permeating my words. Mark sits up a little straighter, likely surprised by my anger. No one really expects that from me. It takes a lot to get me fired up, but he picked two hot buttons for me. Women and sisters. The real Mark is starting to show, and I wonder how I’d missed it all this time.