Page 5 of The CEO's Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 18)
Huffing and puffing, I stand up. What the hell? This guy deserves to get a piece of my mind. Overflowing with anger, I march across the apartment and bang the front door open. But to my surprise, the man standing there is no sad-shaped sack with stooped shoulders and a balding head. Instead, the repo man is absolutely gorgeous. Holy cow!
He’s wearing a casual get up consisting of jeans, work boots, and an over-worn blue button up with his name patched over his left breast pocket. But he looks clean, and even presentable. His black hair is almost meticulously styled, flowing in a gentle dark wave. Those blue eyes pierce my heart, and I find it hard to breathe.
But he seems confident and even a bit cocky.
“Marley? I’m Justin from NYC Repo.” His blue eyes run down my body and I suddenly feel hot, like he’s just touched me with his hands. But then his next words snap me back to reality: “I’m here to take your Honda Civic.”
I can’t help myself. I immediately begin bawling my eyes out. Between frantic gasps for breaths, I manage to sputter out a plea for help.
“P-please don’t take my Honda. I won’t have a way to get to work if I don’t have a car!” I wipe my nose with the back of my sleeve, hot tears cascading down my contorted face. I force myself to raise my eyes to meet his again, even though by now, I look like a mess. “Justin, please don’t. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything.”
The man seems unmoved, his expression calm.
“No, I’m sorry,” he says in an even tone. “I’m here for the car.”
I begin to cry even harder, and anger floods over me once more.
“Who do you think you are? Do you realize how hard it is to live in New York City? What am I supposed to do now?” I scream and bawl. By now, Niagara Falls are pouring from my eyes, and I’m sure I look like a crazed woman. But I don’t care. I have to keep my car because without it, I’ll be drawn into a vicious downward spiral.
“Seriously, are you even human? Do you even care about other people?” I scream at him. Then, all sanity leaves me and in a fit of tear-filled fury, I throw myself at him. I’m not thinking; instead, my impulses take over. I hurl myself through the air, both fists outstretched, aiming to claw the eyes out of my target.
But anger has impaired my judgment because the alpha male is easily a foot taller and twice my weight. Although my attack was unexpected, Justin quickly catches my fists in his own, holding me off as I scream and struggle. But what he does next is totally unexpected because instead of throwing me to the ground in some kind of jiu-jitsu move, instead he pulls me closer. Before I know it, my curvy form is plastered against that hard chest and his lips have seized mine in a devastating kiss.
At first, I’m frozen with astonishment. What the hell?
But then, my lips melt under his and before I realize it, my arms have snaked around his neck and I’m moaning with pleasure, gyrating my hips against his pelvis.
“Oooooh,” I hum, lashes fluttering closed. “Mmm.”
He pulls back for a moment, those cobalt eyes almost glowing.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he rasps, his lips still grazing my own even as conflict rages in his eyes.
“No,” I say breathlessly. “You shouldn’t have. But I liked it.” Before I can even finish the sentence, we’re kissing again.
He lets go of my hands, those strong arms going about my waist and pulling me into the vee between his thick thighs. I moan slightly, loving the closeness. What am I doing? This guy is about to take my car, but all thoughts of protest fall from my mind as suddenly, he sweeps me off my feet and into his arms like a maiden. Oh my god, is this really happening? But as our breaths mingle, my nipples go hard and I know I’ll let Justin do anything he wants.
“Where’s your bedroom?” the hunky repo man rasps into my ear. I’m pressed against that huge chest and giggle lightly.
“In the back, to the left,” I whisper. “My place is small, so you can’t miss it.” I’m shocked at how eager my voice sounds. Oh my god, what am I doing? I don’t know this person because we just met two minutes ago! But now, I’m going to let him ravish me? My head spins in confused delight.
As we turn the corner to my room, Justin chuckles low in his chest before entering and kicking the door shut with his foot.
“No more crying,” he growls while laying me onto the mattress. I bounce a bit, breasts jiggling, while he steps back to unbutton his shirt. Holy cow. The man is a god because when that blue work shirt comes off, his chiseled abs are revealed. I literally count a six pack, and my head spins.