Page 24 of The CEO's Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 18)
Then, Justin stealthily emerges in the door behind them, the lamp in one hand.
I walk slowly backwards until my body is pressed against the opposite wall. Then I stand with legs spread and turn around, beginning to bend over again.
“Don’t be shy, boys, because this is all for you,” I coo as my pink slit comes into view once more. Both men spring to action, moving toward me, but Justin’s too fast. He conks first one on the head, then the other, and the two guards crash to their knees, holding their skulls in pain.
“Owwww!” screams one before his holler is cut off. Justin thwacks him on the head again, and he slumps to the floor unconscious. Then, my boyfriend grabs a Taser from the thug’s waistband and Tasers both guards, just to be sure.
“They’re out cold,” he huffs. “Come on, sweetheart. Put on some clothes and let’s get out of here.”
I stumble to the hall closet, and thank god, there’s a large raincoat and some boots. Then, Justin takes my hand and we head to the fire escape. He turns to me, blue eyes blazing.
“It’s forty-five stories. Can you do it, Marley?”
I merely look him straight in the eye.
“You bet I can.” With that, we’re off. It takes a while, and we’re huffing and puffing as we go around and around down the stairwell, but soon, we’re at the hotel’s parking garage. Sure enough, right next to the door is a red Ferrari, and Justin presses something on the keychain I stole from Simon. The car bleeps and we hop in.
“Where to?” I ask as my boyfriend takes the wheel, his handsome face determined as he revs the sports car. Justin turns to me, stares at me hard, and then seizes my chin for a devastating kiss, his tongue punishing. I’m breathless, but so ecstatic to be with him once more.
“Anywhere but here,” he says fiercely, and with that, we peel out of the parking garage and into the cold night air. We’re free, finally, and a thrill runs through my heart.
My boyfriend drives like a maniac, whipping the Ferrari through the streets of Manhattan. Finally, we pull up in front of an enormous granite apartment building, so tall that even the moon is blocked out.
“Where are we?” I ask.
Justin turns and looks at me, his blue eyes possessive.
“Where you belong, Marley.”
With a jerk, I realize I’m about to see Simon’s apartment for the first time. Previously, we’d always spent time at my place. He’d made excuses about an ongoing renovation, as well as the heater not working at his place, but now I realize it was just a ruse because his penthouse is utterly lavish. It’s nothing like Simon’s digs, fortunately. Instead of dripping with gold and crystal, my boyfriend has minimalist, restrained tastes. Low-slung couches are scattered about an enormous living room with triple-height ceilings. Famous artwork hangs on the walls, and I can’t help but gape when I take in the view.
“Is that the Empire State Building?” I gasp, my eyes going wide.
“Yep,” he smirks. “And if you walk over here, you can see the Freedom Tower too.”
I’m stunned, swiveling to the left. I had no idea there were apartments with views of both iconic New York landmarks, but evidently if you’re high enough in the sky, it’s possible.
But this is not the time to be in awe of real estate because we just escaped a grisly fate. Right now, we’re both half-dressed, and my hair’s askew. Justin’s face has taken quite a beating, and blood trickles down his neck and covers the knuckles of his right hand. He looks worse for the wear, to be honest, his hair shaggy and unkempt and a small beard on his chin.
Yet neither of us care. We just want to be safe together once more. In two strides, Justin’s by my side and he wraps those brawny arms around me. Then, he presses a tender kiss to my lips, his gaze speaking emotions.
“Thank you, honey. I had no idea you were a private detective and super-hero rolled into one.”
I manage to giggle a bit, although it comes out as more of a hiccup.
“I’m not! But I was so worried, and it was such a crazy situation.”
Justin looks at me slowly, rubbing his hands up and down my arms while pulling me closer.
“How did you find me? How did you find Simon? I hate that you even had to talk to such a sordid character, but I admire what you did, Marls.”
This is where my story gets hairy, and I take a deep breath, unsure of what to expect. After all, my boyfriend is a tolerant man, but how far does that tolerance reach?
“Well, you know I’m not a good girl,” I say slowly. “You know that, right? Like how I slept with you in order to keep my car?”