Page 15 of Hard Ride (Men of Valor MC)
I’m not sure who’s more ready, me or Jim, but I do know my body is on autopilot when I kick the door in. The last thing I thought I’d hear was a struggle. Nova screaming, “You cocksucker! You stabbed me! I’m going to fucking make you eat your balls as your last meal!” It’s not what she’s saying that has me barreling into the one-room cabin; it’s the sound of her voice. It doesn’t sound like it’s just a graze or a flesh wound. Her life flashes before my eyes, not having her in my arms nearly enough times, as I move towards her, not giving one fuck that Chris Brady, the bane of my fucking existence, is waving a bloody knife in one hand while the other is carelessly moving a pistol around. My eyes are on the woman who’s lying on her side, facing away from me, her hand holding the wound that’s pouring blood, and my fucking world stops. It takes everything in me to ignore the man who did this to her and take care of him.
“Take care of Nova. I’m going to take the trash out,” Jim seethes. I look over my shoulder once I’m on my knees in front of Nova. Her skin is pale, her eyes closed, blood pouring around her hand where she’s trying to apply pressure.
“Gage, is that you? I tried. I swear I did.” Her voice is weak. I toss my cut to the floor, pull my shirt off, move her hand, and press the fabric to her wound.
“You did so fucking good, baby. Hold on, help is on its way.” I look up, figuring I’ll carry her out if I have to, when Bullet, Doc, and Rough walk in.
“Ambulance is coming up the driveway now. We called as soon as we heard her screaming,” Bullet says, grabbing my cut off the ground, holding it for me.
“I’m gonna go see if Jim needs help. You okay in here?” He nods to Nova. I have her head nestled in my lap, my hand still holding her side, my fingers feeling for a pulse.
“Yeah, get out of here,” I tell them all. My only concern is Nova. Her breathing is shallow, her weak pulse giving me pause. My only concern is her.
“Alright, we’ll meet you at the hospital. It’s about time we take care of this fucking pissant. That is if Jim leaves anything of him.” They all leave, without a second to spare as I see the ambulance come barreling through the rough driveway. It stops , the paramedics pull out a gurney and make their way inside.
“Sir, we’re going to need some room,” one of them states.
“Gage, don’t leave me,” Nova mumbles. I move but still hold her hand, not letting her go and damn sure not leaving her. Not when she asks so little and I wasn’t here for her before shit went to hell in a handbasket.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m always here for you.” I bend down, and I swear to Christ she’s the only one I’d ever get on my damn knees for. That’s when I see it before the paramedics even say anything.
“No, fuck no. Nova, don’t you fucking leave me. Goddamn it, help her!” I demand of the paramedics.
“Move back, sir.” They rip open her shirt. I’m ready to fucking tear the world down if she doesn’t come back to me.
“Nova!” I scream so loud, you can probably hear me four states away. Even after they shock her, she doesn’t come back. I do the one thing I never fucking thought I’d have to do—I pray, even when the line reads flat as they do compressions, I beg and plead for God to take me instead of her.
“What the fuck?” Nova’s dad comes barreling in, blood on his hands, arms, and shirt. He sees what they’re doing, staggers back, and murmurs, “Oh my sweet baby girl.” I swear my breath leaves my body when hers does, and there’s nothing I can do, absolutely fucking nothing.
“Is there anything we need to worry about in terms of blowback?” I hear the hushed tones of Gage and my daddy conversing.
“Not at all. Made it look like an accident. He and his police squad car are at the bottom of the ravine. Made sure to torch his body while he was in it and then push it off the cliff. Had my fun with him first though. I’m not getting into too many details. I don’t want you to know about it in case shit goes sideways. My girl needs you. You understand me?” I try to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. I must have really passed out at the sight of my own blood, but that doesn’t explain the incessant beeping that won’t shut the hell up. I move my hand, feeling the warmth of Gage’s enveloping it.