Page 13 of Hard Ride (Men of Valor MC)
“Yeah, thanks, Gage.” He’s defeated but still holding his head up. Shit, that man’s been through hell and back. A woman who left in the midst of his daughter going through shit, you know, the teenage shit. I don’t even want to think about what a knockout Nova was when she was younger. I’d probably have beaten more pubescent boys than I’d care to admit.
I light my cigarette, inhaling the bitter taste. I have years as an Army Ranger to thank for this habit, but it’s one I love, nonetheless. Especially at times like this, when there isn’t a fucking thing I can do. This waiting game has to end. If not, I’ll tear Valor apart, limb by fucking limb. Taking one last drag, I throw the cigarette on the ground, making sure it’s out, and then get down to brass tacks. Standing out here looking at nothing won’t help, and that’s what there is—nothing.
I’ve just opened the door to the bar when Bullet walks towards me. “Pulled up the surveillance cameras. Almost didn’t get a hit with the way it’s set up, but we got something, and you’re not gonna like it. Seems one of the boys in blue has Nova.”
“What the fuck for?” I ask him.
“The sky is blue? Shit is brown? Take your pick. He was in plain clothes, driving a beat-up sedan, but he was a dumbass and didn’t change the plates. I’ve got Doc doing a trace on it now.” Thank fuck, we’ve got something to go on. Bullet is the president of Valor, been that way since the beginning. We all have roles in our club, somehow managing to work together seamlessly.
“Good, do I even want to see the video?”
“Your girl, I’m not sure what that douche was thinking, but she put up a hell of a fight. You’d be proud.” I see the smile he’s trying to hide from showing.
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Not sure how much longer I can stand Nova being away from me,” I grunt, following Bullet inside, where most of my brothers are with Jim. Christ, this is a clusterfuck.
The next time I come around, Officer Brady is sitting back in his chair, a gun on his thigh, sharpening a knife, and I swear to God if he hits me again, I’m going to lose my ever-loving mind.
“Ah, she’s awake again. I think I’ll start with a video for Gage. How do you think he’ll like that? If I know Gage, it’ll only enrage him more, but I’m not stupid. He’ll trace the message in no time. Until then, I’ll bide my time.”
“I’m sure he’ll be happy as a pig in shit to see the bruise you just put on me. Why is that? Does hitting a woman make you feel better about yourself?” I ask him. My number-one goal is to stall. The light shining through the dingy blinds is telling me that night has well since passed, and judging by the grumbling in my stomach, a huge inconvenience by the way, I’m sure it’s getting later in the morning.
“You were just a means to an end. Let me tell you a story.” I release a breath of air that I had no idea I was holding.
“I’m all ears, since, you know, I’m here for the time being.” I slowly twist my wrists back and forth, trying to loosen the tape while somehow managing it to keep it from making too much noise.
“First, we’ll take a picture and send it to Gage. It will be interesting to see how he reacts. If only I could be a fly on the wall when he receives the text.” I watch as he places his gun on the ground, along with the knife and sharpening tool. If only he had kept the knife with him as he got up. I bet I could have somehow used my legs to kick him until I could get the hell out of here. Hell, I still can.
The camera flash blinds me, causing me to close my eyes. “Yeah, I bet Gage will love that.” It’s then that I notice he’s using my phone. The second my man gets it, and if my daddy is around, well, let’s just say hell hath no fury, because the whole world will rain down on Officer Brady.
“Are you ever going to tell me why I’m here?” I ask once he settles back in his chair.
“Sure, I’ll tell you, but then I’ll have to kill you.” I’m not sure if he’s being truthful or not. I’ll just have to bide my time until Gage or my dad show up.
“I’m shivering in my boots.” My mouth can’t be helped. It’s that lack of filter that doesn’t seem to help me.
“Shut up, or I’ll give you something that will make you shut up.” This time, I actually listen, partly because I want to know what his unhealthy obsession is. And I don’t know what he’s really capable of. I let out a sigh, attempting to get somewhat comfortable.