Page 11 of Hard Ride (Men of Valor MC)
“Hey, I’m outta here. I won’t be in until Monday at the earliest,” I let him know, waving over my shoulder as I walk to my bike.
“Alright, you get that bike done?” he asks.
“Yeah, if he puts another change order in, tell him to pound sand and find another custom shop. I’m done with that bullshit.” I palm my phone, willing it to ring. It doesn’t, and I don’t like this feeling in my gut.
“I’ll tell him. Dumb fucker will only email, so I think we’re good till at least Monday. See ya around.” That’s the last of our discussion. Even if he wanted to talk, I’d be shutting him down. The only thing on my mind is getting to Nova’s place, and fast.
My head is groggy, like I’m in a haze, and I refuse to wake up. It’s like a hangover but ten times worse, with a metallic taste in my mouth, one I don’t think I’ve ever experienced after a night out drinking. Not only that, I also know for sure I didn’t drink last night while cleaning up the bar. Even if I could open my eyes, I’m not so sure I can get them to work. It’s freezing too, so much different from when I’m at home and snuggled up in my bed, three or four blankets piled on me because dear dad likes to keep the air conditioning pumping in the summer and the heat barely on in the winter.
The rational part of my head is saying, Open your eyes, get this shit over and done with. The dreamer, on the other side, is not agreeing with that. It’s probably the only reason why I have yet to take in my surroundings. I am awake enough to know that. Slowly, it all becomes clear to me—a guy asking for help, me being stupid enough to follow him. What a rookie mistake. I turn my head, wincing. “Ah, the perfect princess is waking up. Very good.”
I guess there’s no time like the present to look at this bag of dicks. He really has no idea the shit he’s just stirred up. I move my body, realizing my hands are duct taped together in front of me, not even behind my back. I move a bit more, trying to see where all I could be hurt, thankful I’m still in clothes, and it seems the only thing that hurts are my shoulders.
“Open your eyes!” he yells, almost sounding manic. I don’t really want to get doused again with what I’m sure was chloroform. I need to keep my wits about me, considering this dude isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
My eyes pop open. Last night, I could barely see with the shadows looming and with it being dark. Today is different. He’s in complete view, in none other than a police officer’s uniform, whereas last night, he was in street clothes, that I could at least tell. I’m ashamed to say that I know most of Valor’s police department is crooked or shady, so I never paid attention to them. I mean, it’s like I was on the wrong side of the law, with not so much as a speeding ticket, now that I’m here in front of Officer Brady, or so his name says on the badge that’s pinned to his shirt.
“Oh, this is going to be good.” I remain silent. His hair looks unkept, there are deep circles under his eyes, and his clothing looks like it’s not been cleaned properly, full of wrinkles. The only thing that I can’t figure out is why he would target me. It’s not like I’m a somebody in this town.
“What do you want?” I clear my throat as I ask. The cold is causing my voice to crack.
“You’d like to know that, wouldn’t you.” He grabs a chair from the corner, bringing it closer to me, making himself comfortable, while I’m sitting on the floor. This dude is a real gentleman. I’m able to tuck my legs underneath my body. He didn’t even tape my ankles together.
“Well, it would be nice to know why some random guy flagged me down, couldn’t beat me up like a normal person, had to revert to drugs just to subdue me. It tells me what kind of man you are, no man at that. Your balls probably haven’t even dropped yet.” Officer Brady stands up, kicks the chair with his heel, then stalks towards me, a gun in his hand. I’m ready. I don’t think for one second he’ll actually use it. If he wanted to, it would have happened way before now, or at least I’d be duct taped to the chair. I hold myself still as he makes his way closer. I’m already planning to use both of my hands to swing at him. If I can go for his throat, it’ll for sure knock him off balance, and that way, I can get the gun.