Page 21 of My Own Daddy (Daddy 1)
Larkin scrambled into the bathroom. She threw off her clothes, jumped into the shower, and washed the stench of cigars away. After she dried off with one of the fluffy gray towels, she slipped into the shirt he’d given her and buttoned it up. Then she rolled up the sleeves so she was able to see her hands.
She caught sight of the new toothbrush and paste on the counter and assumed it was for her. After she finished brushing, she unclipped her hair that she’d had up for work, and then finger-combed it.
Larkin inhaled deeply before she opened the door. Her breath caught in her chest. In just a pair of silk sleep pants, Darian sat on the side of the bed.
He looked up and reached out a hand. “Come here.”
Larkin walked to him and let him pull her in between his widespread legs. She raised her hands and touched his hair to find it damp. “You took a shower?”
He nodded. “In another room.” He pulled back the blanket. “Get in.”
Larkin got under the sheet and pulled it up to her chin.
Darian snorted, turned off the light, and slid in beside her. He adjusted her until her back was against his chest. There was just enough light from the moon coming through the window to see her.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he murmured against the back of her head.
Larkin looked at him over her shoulder. “Night.”
All of a sudden, he tipped her onto her back. “I can’t take it another second,” he murmured and then bent and took her lips.
She arched closer, clutched the back of his head, and kissed him back. He used his tongue to open her mouth and then dove inside. They both groaned.
Darian lifted his head. “We have to stop, baby. I don’t have a lot of control with you.”
Larkin nodded, even though she wanted to beg for one more kiss as her tongue swiped over her lips to taste him. He tasted delicious, and she wanted more.
He groaned and turned her away from him but kept her tight against him. He bit back a moan when she wiggled her ass against his cock. “Stay still, baby. Good night.”
“Night,” she said.
Chapter Nine
This time, when Darian woke, his arms were full of woman instead of being empty. He took a moment to savor it, hoping it was the first of many mornings they would wake together.
Although on the small side, she fit perfectly into his arms. He burrowed his nose into her hair and inhaled the sweet floral scent of her. He wanted to make the day perfect for her and thought about what might please her the most. Darian first wanted to show her the house and the lake beyond. Maybe he should have Ella, his cook, make a picnic lunch for them?
“Mmmm,” Larkin murmured and rolled onto her back. She looked up at him, and a sleepy smile crossed her face.
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
Larkin caressed his arm with her fingertips, making goosebumps stand out on his arm. He cleared his throat, ready to talk about the day, but he couldn’t get over the look on her face and bent to take her mouth.
She immediately opened for him and let him control the kiss. Before long, her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and he had her tucked underneath him and he was between her legs. The shirt she was wearing had ridden up to her waist, leaving her bottom naked, and the sleeping pants he wore were so thin he could feel the heat and moisture as he rubbed his hard cock against her cunt.
Darian jerked his head up. “We need to get out of bed,” he told her breathlessly.
“Why?” she murmured with her eyes closed.
“Because I’m too damn close to losing it and fucking you.”
Larkin gasped. “That’s dirty talk.”
Darian grinned at the blush that covered her face. “Yes, and you need to get used to it because I’m going to use it a lot.”
Larkin giggled.
“I also want you to call me daddy when we’re at one of the homes or with our friends.”