Page 18 of My Own Daddy (Daddy 1)
“Home?” She still sounded bewildered.
Darian huffed out a laugh, lifted her onto the seat beside him, and then slid out of the car. He reached back in and grabbed her hand. “Come on, sweetheart.”
Larkin nodded and let him maneuver her out of the car to stand by him.
“Thank you, Hicks.” Darian started walking Larkin toward the house.
“Thank you, Hicks,” she parroted as she walked docilely next to Darian.
Darian heard Hicks’s chuckle and smiled. He looked up when the heavy door opened before he got there. “Hello, Elder. What are you still doing up?”
Elder closed the door after them and locked it. “I heard the driveway alarm go off and thought I’d meet you.”
Larkin stared at the man.
“Larkin, this is Elder.”
She reached out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Elder grasped her hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you also.” Elder turned to Darian. “Is there anything I can get for you, sir?”
“Are you hungry?” Darian asked Larkin.
“Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”
Both Darian and Elder grimaced. Darian couldn’t remember ever seeing peanut butter in the house. His parents, especially his mother, had an aversion for the stuff. He knew it had to do with his mother’s upbringing but had never asked. Now he’d have to have some on hand for Larkin.
“I don’t think so. How about some scrambled eggs?” Darian suggested.
Darian led her into the kitchen.
“Would you like me to wake Ella, to make you something to eat, sir?” Elder asked.
“No, I can make it. Go back to bed.”
Elder bowed. “Yes, sir. Call if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
“Why don’t you sit here, sweetheart, and I’ll make you some eggs.”
He watched Larkin look around and slowly come out of her sleep-induced haze. “Where are we?”
“We’re at my house.”
“It’s very … large.”
Darian chuckled. “Yes. It’s been in my family for a few generations.” He quickly scrambled up a few eggs. “Do you want toast, sweetheart?”
Larkin shook her head. “No, thank you.”
Within a few minutes, Darian set the plate and a glass of juice in front of Larkin and sat down beside her. He was tickled when Larkin took a few bites and then scooped up a bit and raised the fork to his mouth.
Darian smiled and opened, taking the bite and chewing.
Larkin went back and forth until the eggs were gone.