Page 20 of Bitten by the King (Virgin Blood 4)
“I should have known,” he growls, flipping me over onto the soft mattress, but he’s gone from the bed before I can try to grab for him. I watch as he dresses so quickly I can’t make out what he’s doing. “He’s coming. I thought he’d regroup, but it looks like he is striking as fast as he can. I should have known never to try and predict the insanity of a man like Gordon.” He kisses me again before I can respond. “I would tell you to stay put, but I know you won’t and I can’t lock you away like he did.”
I dress quickly in one of Bishop’s shirts. It hangs to my knees, but I want nothing to do with the dress that is stained in my own blood from when Gordon hit me. I don’t want anything from that past life to ever touch me again.
I take Bishop’s hand and he leads me out of the bedroom.
“Is he alone?” I ask, knowing that Bishop will be able to tell.
“Most of his people were taken out in the explosions. I called for a sweep to be done of Gordon’s home right before I entered to find you.”
I bet Gordon was the first one out of there and he left his men behind. I have no doubt if something happened like that here, Bishop would be the last man out. The two of them are night and day.
When we get to the bottom of the stairs I look over to see everyone from last night with the exception of Dove and Juliet. My chest warms that they’re all here to lend a hand in what’s about to happen.
“I can’t believe the dumb fuck came alone,” one of the twins says before shooting me a wink. “I’m Erik, by the way.” He points to his brother. “That’s Ezra. I—”
“We—” Ezra cuts in.
Erik shakes his head at his brother. “We wanted to thank you for helping Dove get back to us. We’ll never be able to repay you for what you did. Welcome to our family.” They both smile at me, and I nod.
“It was the right thing to do,” I tell them, needing no thanks. “I should have gone with her.” I think back on that moment and I know even if I left then it wouldn’t have stopped all of this.
“You’re here now and that’s all that matters.” Bishop pulls me into his side and kisses me on the top of my head. He lingers for a moment and I know he’s breathing me in.
The tall brunette vampire Ravana is smiling at us. “I guess that makes you my aunt then,” she says, and I look up at Bishop, unsure of what she means. Are they related?
“It would,” he agrees with a small chuckle.
“Shall I do the honors?” Valen asks. I can sense that he’s human and it has to be my mating bond with Bishop. “It’s my job, after all.”
“Don’t remind us, slayer,” Kane says. “I know you’re hiding in the hall closet,” he adds with a growling shout out of nowhere, glancing towards a door that’s a little ways down the hallway.
“Damn it, Kane, now they’re going to come out!” Ezra yells at him as he throws up one of his hands. I glance between them all wondering what they are talking about.
“I don’t understand how she doesn’t think I know exactly where she is at all times,” Kane responds, but I think more to himself than to Ezra. The closet door opens and Dove and Juliet pop out.
“He’s here,” Bishop says, walking towards the front door and taking me with him.
“Back in the closet,” Ezra tells the girls. I don’t turn to see if they do as they are told, but I hear a door close. “I’m going to enjoy spanking her ass later for that,” he mutters to his twin. They are both mated to her, and I wonder how something like that works. I think I’d be crazy jealous to share Bishop.
“You will never have to,” he whispers in my ear, reading my thoughts. “I belong to you alone.” I glance over at him. How can it only have been hours that I’ve come to really know him but feel as if he’s been a part of me my whole life? Because I have. As you have been in mine. His words float through my mind and I know he’s right.
“Bishop!” Gordon yells, and my attention is snatched away from my mate.
I watch as he comes walking out of the darkness towards us. I’ve never seen him look so out of sorts. The moon is high and bright, lighting up the night. The man I once called Dad looks nothing like I remember. Gordon always wanted everything in order and things had to be in their place. He was always dressed perfectly, but right now I would have thought he went rolling through the woods. He might not look his impeccable self, but he does look deadly. The splatter of blood across his dirty white button-up shirt makes him look even more sinister. How could I have not seen who he really was sooner?