Page 21 of Bitten by the Beast (Virgin Blood 1)
Somewhere deep inside of me, I knew. My mind and body understood that I belong to him and it was pushing me to make the bond. It’s probably why none of this is freaking me out—it’s fate.
“Are you mated?” I ask. She shakes her head, and I see sadness in her eyes.
“These guys are all I have.” She looks over at me. Her eyes are the bluest I’ve ever seen. It’s almost breathtaking. “That’s why I was so protective that first day. I really am sorry if I was rude, but this is my family.”
I reach out and grab her hand. “I can understand that. I didn’t grow up with a family of my own, and when I finally get to have one I’m pretty sure I’ll be as protective as you are.”
She gives my hand a small squeeze. “You do have a family now. If you’re Kane’s, then you get the family that comes with him,” she laughs. “Like it or not. Even the twins.”
“I actually really like the sound of that,” I admit.
“I do want you to understand things will change for you. I hear vampire mates can be very possessive and protective.”
“I think I’ve already seen a glimpse of that.” Kane never stops touching me. He even gets grumpy when Mora holds too much of my attention. Maybe it should bother me, but it doesn’t. I find it adorable.
“Our family most likely won’t grow either unless the others find mates. We can’t have children.”
Her voice is flat and resigned when she says the last part. She looks away from me, probably trying to shield the emotion she’s trying not to show. I’d never thought about children. A pang of sadness hits me that I’m never going to see what our child would look like.
“I’m not going to lie. That sucks, but I still choose Kane.”
“Good, because I think he’s freaking out you still might bolt. You two didn’t really talk after we laid everything on you and he had to go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” The sadness lifts from her face, and she smiles at me.
“I’m glad Kane and you found each other. He needed you. I’ve never seen him this happy. Hell, I’d never seen the man smile until you.”
Hearing her say that shouldn’t make me feel as giddy as it does. I always want Kane to be happy, but knowing I can give that to him makes me feel special. I need to do something to show him I’m all in. I don’t want him to think otherwise. I want to show him that I need him, too.
Ravana’s phone rings and she looks down at the screen. “Is it them?” I ask, wondering if it’s an update about what’s happening.
“No, but I need to take this.” She stands and leaves the room with her phone to her ear. Like Kane, she moves crazy fast. Now that makes a little more sense. I shake my head at not putting it together sooner.
I wait for a few minutes, but Ravana doesn’t return. Maybe I should go to my dorm room and get my things? That way, when Kane comes back he can see all my stuff is here and that I’m not going anywhere. Ravana said I was safe from the hunter, so it should be okay.
Kane and I should probably talk about school, too. I was never super excited about college, and I don’t care for the idea of being away from Kane all day. I guess if I wanted to, there are night classes out there. But it sounds like I’ve got all the time in the world. I’m going to have to make some changes. For me college was only the next step I was to take in life, but it doesn’t have to be rushed. Nothing does now. Not when we have forever.
I head back to the bedroom and grab my cell phone that Mora found stuck in the couch. I call for a taxi and slip out the front door, hoping I can make it back before the sun comes up.
It doesn’t take long to get back to my dorm room, and when I enter I see that Dove isn’t in her bed. It doesn’t even look slept in. I shoot her a quick text and make sure she’s okay. We aren’t super close, but we bonded a little when researching the mansion, and she even went out of her way to check on me.
Me: You okay?
Dove: Yep, just doing some research in the library.
Seems crazy late to be in the library. Or maybe it’s early, but that girl does love her books.
Me: Cool. I’ll call you later.
I shoot the text back because I need to let her know I’m moving out. I grab a couple of bags and start shoving all my stuff inside. I don’t have much. When I get everything packed I take one last look around the room. A happy feeling settles over me, knowing that when I leave here I’m going home. To a place that will actually feel like home for the first time in my life.