Page 5 of Virgin Wife (Virgin Marriage 2)
“You’re cute when you’re throwing a tantrum,” I say, reaching out and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
“How could you? Haven’t I been through enough?”
I lean down close so that my lips are so close to her face I can feel her breath on them. “I’m doing this because of what you’ve been through.” I reach up and touch her neck and let my fingers trace the line of her throat gently. “You were in a loveless marriage where you were ignored for years. I won’t let you get away again.”
She gasps when I move closer, and instead of kissing her lips I brush my mouth along her jaw and to her ear.
“I should have carried you out of there that day,” I say, and we both know I’m talking about her wedding. “Now take the keys and enjoy your day at the spa. I’ll see you at home tonight.”
I take a step back, and her eyes are so soft. But suddenly she realizes she’s let her wall down. In a flash it’s back in place and her signature resting bitch face is back in place. I smile because it’s my favorite. We both know that’s not the real her, but I’ll pretend for the sake of argument.
“You think you can get me to sign a piece of paper and it’s all going to be okay?” She lets out a humorless laugh as she shakes her head. “I was in that marriage because I had to be. If you think for one second my father will allow this, you’ve got another think coming.”
Once again she never says she doesn’t want to be with me, just that she isn’t allowed.
She yanks the keys from my hand and grabs her fur coat off the back of the couch. “Oh, I’ll spend the day at the spa on your dime, and I’ll even go to your place tonight. But only to get my stuff and go to a hotel.”
“I’ll see you tonight,” I say and blow her a kiss. If she could kill me with a look I’d be a pile of ash. God, I love her.
Without a word she stomps out of my office and slams the door. The ringing in my ears is drowned out by the love in my heart. I’ve never felt so full before and I plan on spending tonight making her feel just the same.
I sit in the back of the town car wondering what the hell is going on. I can’t believe Wyatt would be so sneaky. I don’t understand the game he’s playing, and to be honest I’m so tired of everything that I don’t have the energy to care.
I reach for my phone to call Aiden but then stop myself. He was always the person I called if I had a problem, and I’ve noticed that lately I’ve been reaching out to him less and less, even before his fiancée Caroline came into his life. We were always close, but the last year things changed and felt different with us. Maybe it was the reality of what we’d done and the lives we were going to have to live. We’re two friends who love each other but never in the way that would fill our hearts. I can only hope that Caroline will forgive me for the cruel things I said to her. Maybe one day we can even be friends.
My eyes fill with tears when I think about when Aiden and I were little. His sister and I were joined at the hip and the three of us were always together. When she died she took a small piece of both of us with her, and I think in hindsight we were just trying to salvage what we could to stay together.
I want Aiden to be happy, but I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit I was jealous of what he found. I’m also hurt that he so easily cast me aside for someone else, which is stupid. That’s what a man in love should do and I want the man I love to pick me first.
I’ve been so angry lately and it’s not just because of Aiden. It’s because of the line of men in my life that are always letting me down. I think I lashed out at Aiden because I knew when the dust settled he’d still be there for me, maybe not as my husband, but he’ll always be my friend. I still feel the resentment festering inside of me and waiting to break out. Maybe I need to get away and be alone for a while. Although I’m always alone, so being stuck in my own head might not be a good place for me right now.
“We’re here, ma’am,” the driver says, then steps out and opens my door for me.