Page 20 of Virgin Wife (Virgin Marriage 2)
“Yes,” she says and then we both laugh because it’s not as if she had a choice.
There are lots of things I should have done differently, starting with making her mine when we were fourteen. But living and learning is a part of life and in the end all our roads led to this moment. I should have stolen her away the day she married Aiden, but would she have found the courage to stand up to her family back then? It’s easy to look back and pick at the pieces, but it’s more important to live in our moment now.
“Do you want a wedding?” I ask, and she shakes her head.
“No, I’ve got all I need right here,” she says and wraps her arms around me.
“Me too,” I say. I pull her into my arms and carry her into our home.
It’s the start of our forever and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Nine month later…
“How long has it been?” I ask as I pace the room.
“You’re not helping me relax,” Savannah says from the bed with her eyes closed.
We’re at the hospital, but it’s been hours at least since her contractions started. She’s trying to breathe and I should be helping her but I’m too stressed and worried. I’m obsessing about her heartbeat and the baby’s as they flash across the monitor. Everyone is telling me that things are going perfectly, but there’s no guarantee when it comes to delivering a baby. Anything could go wrong.
There’s a knock on the door and I glace over to see Caroline peek her head in. “How is everything going?”
“Oh, thank god you guys are here. Wyatt is going nuts.” Savannah reaches out for her and Caroline goes to her side and they hug for a quick second. Caroline is just as pregnant and due any day now.
After the confrontation with Savannah’s parents we decided we wouldn’t let anything stand between us and happiness. We both realized that Aiden was a part of our lives and that we wanted him to be happy. Once Caroline and Savannah got to know each other they became fast friends. We’ve even become close with Caroline’s old roommate Gia and her man Marco. It’s been like having our own makeshift family and I’ve seen Savannah come to life.
I don’t think either of us realized how smothered she was even when she married Aiden to get away from her family. She carried so much on her shoulders for so long, but now she’s finally free and I’ve been able to give her that.
“Do you need more ice?” I ask as I walk over and fluff her pillow.
“I need you to settle down,” Savannah says and Caroline tries to hide her smile.
“Aiden is in the waiting room so I can’t be gone too long. But I just wanted to check on you and let you know we’re here if you need anything.”
“You don’t have to stay. Go home and rest,” Savannah says, and Caroline shakes her head.
“I think Aiden likes being in the hospital. He thinks my water is just going to burst at any moment.”
I nod my head in agreement because I understand, but the two of them just laugh.
“He’s crazy, righ—” Just when she’s about to finish her sentence she stops and her eyes widen in shock. “Oh shit,” she whispers and I look down to see water on the floor.
I rush over and grab the nearby chair as I hit the panic button. I help Caroline to a seat as the nurses all rush in.
“Her water broke and her husband is in the waiting room,” I babble. I run out of the room and shout down the hall for Aiden.
He must be closer than Caroline thought because he’s there in seconds.
“I told you!” he says when he runs in the room and sees her.
I hear laughter behind me and I turn in time to see Savannah covering her mouth.
“What are you laughing at?” I ask, and I realize I’m still shouting.
She reaches her hand out and I go over to her and take it.
“Wyatt, I’m going to have them sedate you if you don’t calm down.”
I glance over to see Aiden carrying Caroline out of the room as the nurses tell him to put her down on the bed they brought her.
“There’s just a lot happening right now,” I say, running a hand down my face.
She reaches out and takes that one from me too and squeezes it. She’s got both of mine gripped in hers as her emerald eyes stare into me.
“I mean it,” she says and levels me with a stare. “We are about to have our baby and it looks like Caroline and Aiden are going to have theirs any moment, too. You are my rock and I need you to act like it right this second.”