Page 16 of His Hostage
I hold her face with both my hands and feel her fingers on my chest. She nods slightly and I kiss her again, but this time it’s harder and more possessive. I’m past the point of messing around and teasing. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I’m not wasting time bullshitting.
I break the kiss and press my forehead to hers before I turn and call out for Mags. She and Track step into the room, clearly listening from nearby.
“Are all these clothes going to fit?” I ask, pointing at the pile.
Mags puts her hands on her hips and raises an eyebrow at me. “You act like I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“She’ll take it,” I say as I stand up and grab some bags.
Mags goes to the back for a moment and comes back with three more bags full of stuff. “She’ll need these, too.”
I take out my wallet and hold out a stack of cash, but Mags refuses it. Track smiles and reaches around her and yanks it out of my hand.
“Pleasure doing business,” he says as he tucks the money into his jeans and I roll my eyes.
“Just make sure you buy your wife something nice.” I grab the bags and Jules’s hand and we make our way to the door.
“It was so nice to meet you,” Jules says to Mags. “I’m sorry it was so quick.”
“Next time we’ll make it just the two of us,” Mags offers and gives her a soft smile.
“I’ll be in touch,” I say to Track and we exchange a look that says we need to round up the boys.
“Make it sooner than later,” he confirms, and I see him pulling out his phone.
“Will do.”
When we get outside I load the stuff up and we take off away from the store and away from my warehouse.
“I didn’t thank Mags for the clothes, or you, for that matter.” Jules dips her chin and I can see her bottom lip quivering as she says it.
“Hey,” I call out and she looks over at me. “You have a lot on your mind and we’ve got plenty of time to exchange thanks later. Besides…” I give her my crooked smile and I can see the clouds in her eyes clearing. “Trying it all on in front of me is the best way to say thank you.”
She rolls her eyes, but I see her fighting a smile. “You’re just trying to see me naked.”
“And here I thought I was being sneaky.” I shake my head as I make another turn toward the edge of town. “You caught me.”
“We’re not headed to your place?” she asks as I pull into the parking lot of a hotel.
“Afraid not.” I hop out of the car and grab a couple of the bags she got and get my emergency duffel bag out of the back. When I come around and open her door I hold out my hand. “If that guy Warren is here for you, then there’s no telling what’s been compromised.”
“I’m so sorry, Cooper. I never meant for you to get involved in this.” She shakes her head as I help her down and we walk to the check-in desk. “I bet you’re sorry you kidnapped me.”
“Are you kidding me? I was in desperate need of some drama, and lucky for me you’ve got enough for the both of us.”
She stops and tugs on my hand when I try to keep walking. “How do you do that?”
“Do what?” I look around, confused.
“Manage to make me laugh when I’m feeling sorry for myself. You’re nothing like I thought you’d be and I can’t help but wonder why you’re doing all this. Why are you going out of your way to protect me and keep me safe? Why are you getting your friends involved and moving heaven and earth to have me by your side? And how come every time you look at me, it feels like my heart is whole?”
She nervously tucks her hair behind her ear after her admission and I step closer to her.
“Hey,” I say until she looks up and meets my eyes. “Neither of us planned this, but my grandpa always told me the best things in life are the surprises you never see coming.” I run my hand down her cheek and across her bottom lip. “You came out of nowhere, and I have no intention of letting you get away.”
I take her hand once again and just before we walk into the hotel lobby I smile over at her.
“And did you think that maybe I feel the same way when you look at me?”
I see her cheeks flush as I walk up to the counter and ask for a room. The lady at the desk asks for a name and credit card and I pull out the fake ones I keep in my wallet for just this occasion.