Page 79 of The Dancer
“You can use the dance floor at the club, free of charge, or we’ll work something out. It’s only open Thursday through Sunday nights from nine at night, so it would be perfect for you to use during the daytime.”
She actually looked like she was thinking about it, but then that stubborn look came over her face again and I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“What’s your problem with my suggestion?” Like I don’t know; hardheaded pain in the ass is going to make me fight her to do what I know is right for her. I need this shit like a toothache but it comes with the territory.
Instead of leading with anger and annoyance like I want to each time I tangle with her hardheaded ass, I took a deep breath and kept it civil. I didn’t even grit my teeth as I waited for whatever boneheaded reason she was gonna come up with.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
“And why not? You can have all the classes you want every day of the week if you’d like.”
“Yeah and what happens when your next flavor of the month shows up and you decide that it no longer works for you? Then I’d have to pick up stakes again and disappoint all those kids and parents. No thanks.”
I gritted my teeth now and counted to ten, reminding myself that she’d been hurt by her dad and that’s the reason she was lashing out. The reason she had such a chip on her shoulder.
Her brother had said she wasn’t always like that. Maybe I should learn what she was like before all this happened and find a way to get her back there before we were both too old. I’ll ask him later.
Right now I knew there was no point in arguing with her. She had to know deep down that not all men were the same. How ironic that I was thinking this way. Me, who had spent my whole adult life trying hard not to repeat the mistakes of my father.
Maybe that’s why I knew that I could never do what she was implying to her. Between what her father had done to her and her family, and what mine had done to my mother, I had more than enough reason not to fuck up when it comes to her.
“I see your point. You have no reason to trust me and I have to accept what you think of me, I guess. Very well, I’ll let you be.” She looked confused at my sudden change when I got to my feet and stood her up next to the bed.
I left the room without so much as touching her
hand and went in search of the others. I carried the look of her confused expression with me. Gotcha!
No doubt she was expecting an argument. Heaven knows I wanted to scream at her until she got some damn sense, but I was learning fast and that was the wrong damn thing to do.
Anything she can view or twist into a negative light must be avoided, check. It was time to play cat and mouse and hope that the mouse takes the damn cheese.
I might not have been sure even up until a few days ago about what it was that I really wanted from her. But any woman who could make me act so out of character had to be the real deal.
I was struck by another thought as I joined the others in the media room. I trust her! She’d already invaded my private place. That place deep inside where I never allow anyone.
My mind had already accepted that she was it. That no matter how hard she made things, in the end, she is the one I am going to be with for the rest of my life.
The realization had me sitting up in my chair in shock. “What the fuck!” Both Travis and Tony turned away from the TV to look at me quizzically.
Chapter 22
Tony read the look of panic on my face and shook his head while Travis raised a brow at me. Neither of them had the decency to ask what was wrong before turning back to the TV. I silently freaked the fuck out.
I draw the line at trust, that’s a fucking hard no for me. But no matter how I tested myself, I came back to the same thing; I trust her. The panic reached my guts and twisted it in knots.
But she doesn’t trust me, in fact, as far as I can tell, she has no other feelings for me besides disdain and distrust. How the fuck does that work?
I actually growled in frustration, making the other two jump in their seats. “Damn bro, you’re pitiful.” Tony, the know it all, piped up before going back to the stupid show they were watching.