Page 71 of The Dancer
But what I felt the longer I stood there with her held firmly in my arms, her little body awakening beneath my touch, is that as much as I want to get inside her, I wanted her heart even more.
That had been another source of confusion, I’d never wanted to fuck with a woman’s heart before. The body was as far as I ever got, or ever allowed myself to go. But the choice was no longer mine.
She’d asked me how I know, this is how. Because I have no control over what she makes me feel. For the first time ever I was not in the driver’s seat. Something bigger and stronger than I was at play here. Only a fool doesn’t know when he’s beat, I’m no fool.
I had to calm her down when she got too caught up in the kiss and eased off a little before she hurt herself. She truly was an innocent and the thought of all I couldn’t wait to teach her made my cock stiffer between us.
I endured the pain and discomfort of a hard dick knowing that I wasn’t going to see any action anytime soon. I was willing to go at any pace she needed now that my mind was made up. With my own fears abated I only had to work on hers.
I’d already made great strides by getting her here. Now if I want her to stay under my roof, I’ll have to take it slow. I can give her a few weeks, okay maybe days, for a lifetime spent with her.
If it doesn’t kill me, I have a feeling the reward will be beyond anything I’ve ever known. With that thought in mind, and putting her comfort before my own need, I slowly ended the kiss. And just in time too.
We heard footsteps coming down the hall and she broke away from me with a guilty look. I’d been so lost in her that I’d all but forgotten he was here. The kid came into the room and looked at us with a smirk on his face. We hadn’t fooled him one bit.
“Who’s up for some TV? I feel like watching something scary. Maybe Devil’s Rejects is on.” He turned to head for the media room, but Anna rushed past him at a dead run.
“I’m not watching that crap.” He dashed after her and I followed. I got to see a softer, more-gentler side to her as the two of them fought over the remote. I was hoping the kid won, that way I would get to hold her during the scary parts.
Fuck my life, I’ve regressed back to my teenage years. Even then I never worked this damn hard. But as I watched her laugh and play with her brother as he held the remote over his head out of reach of her short ass, I had no doubt that she was worth it.
I pulled her down on my lap in the easy chair when she went to sit on the couch after losing the little scuffle. She tried escaping my reach but I held on with my arms around her hips. She threw a look over at her brother, but the kid was already busy surfing channels.
He didn’t find what he was looking for but he found something else that seemed to please him and we settled down to watch. It took her a minute to relax in my lap and in the end I had the kid to thank for that.
He’d found some shit that was sure to scare the crap out of her which she complained about. I could’ve mentioned the fact that there were TVs in other rooms, especially her bedroom, but why bother?
Just as I thought, she hid her face in my neck each time a gory scene came on making me laugh, which got me an elbow to the gut. I kissed her in response and she gave me one of her cute blushes. All that was missing was a bowl of popcorn.
I stole more than a few kisses and even copped a feel or two in the darkened room. Travis had turned off the lights ten minutes into the show because as everyone knows, scary shit is best watched in the dark.
By the time she fell asleep on my lap my dick was hard enough to break ice. There’s no way she hadn’t felt that shit poking into her ass, but she never said a word. Progress! I think.
I sat there a while longer, replaying the day in my head and finally allowed myself to breathe a little bit easier. I’d won this time, she was here, safe with me. No way am I letting her go back there, ever.
I kissed her temple and drew in her scent. Now that she was out cold I could enjoy our closeness without having to deal with any of her shit.