Page 65 of The Dancer
“I know, I used to hate that shit, not to mention I’m not catholic. But it does have one of the best football teams near the city, it’s seeded number four in the state.”
“Yeah I saw all that, but isn’t there something closer and cheaper? Or maybe it doesn’t matter where I go since I’ve already been scouted. I
just don’t want too much time to go by in between practice.”
“It might not matter, let me think about some things. My mom lives on the island now so you might not have to make that trip. Do you drive?”
He reached in his pocket for his wallet and showed off his brand new driver’s license. “I do, and I can drive without a licensed adult before sundown.” This kid really had no plans on going back. It looks like he’d come prepared.
“What are you saying to him? Don’t encourage him, he’s going home…”
“I’m not. And if you make me I’ll just run away again. And I’ll keep running until you listen to reason.”
“I’m not leaving you. You’re the only family I have left. Uncle Don and aunt Pam are nice, but they’re not my family. Besides, they have their own kids to worry about, I’m just a fifth wheel.”
I’m not sure if he was putting on an act for her benefit or if it was real, but his words and tone sounded more like a child’s than the assertive young man I’d overheard just now.
“I know that but…”
“No buts sis, I’ve decided, we have to stick together.” That look was all man, he wasn’t about to budge. Good for you kid. Maybe I can pick up some pointers on how to deal with her hardheaded ass.
I stayed out of it for now, but if shit went in the opposite direction from where I wanted it to I’d step in. Since I knew the kid was on board it will be a piece of cake to out maneuver her stubborn ass if the two of us put our heads together.
“I’ll make some calls on Monday…wait a second.” I held up my hand as my phone went off with mom’s ringtone. I answered as I left the room.
“Hi momma, sorry I didn’t call you yet today I kinda got distracted.”
“So I’ve heard. I’ve already booked my flight back for Sunday evening, we’ll talk when I get there.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I spoke to Tony. I know you have a mess on your hands so I’m coming back to take care of things before you screw up.”
Fucking Tony. “What exactly did that idiot tell you?”
“Enough for me to know that you need me.”
“Mom, I don’t want to interrupt your vacation.”
It’s scary how our minds work alike sometimes. I’d played around with the idea of calling her back to help with the kid, but thought better of it. Who knew Tony would run with that shit?
“I know enough of the particulars already just leave the rest to me. I can call Mrs. Astor and have her put in a good word for us, it will be no problem.” Damn, Tony really does stay on top of shit.
Mrs. Astor is the lady mom used to work for years ago. It was she who’d got me into the prestigious prep school that my mother could never have afforded without her help.
Mom had cleaned her home and raised her kids for almost twenty years and the two still kept in touch although mom had left the job when I went pro and could take care of her.
What she was suggesting would make things that much easier, but I didn’t like the idea of her cutting her trip short. “I could call Arty, I’m sure he’d do me a favor.”
My old coach was still there and the amount of money I donate to the school and the football program each year was more than enough to keep the two of us on good terms.
“My way is easier and faster.” She had a point. The Astor family damn near owned the school and it was her policy to sponsor a student or two each year.
I’m not sure how much money mom had paid out of pocket for me to go there if any, but I know it was nowhere near the fees they asked for.
The only drawback for me had been the distance. But since mom worked not too far away back then, it hadn’t been so bad. We’d taken the train in and back together everyday, even on days I had to stay late for practice.
Looking back, those were some of the best days of my life. It had helped forge the bond between mom and I, the hours spent in commute.
She’d been there every step of the way supporting me and my dream to play ball. The school wasn’t too bad academically either, which was a plus.