Page 55 of The Dancer
“I see your mind is finally working.” How the hell does he do that shit? “So what’s the plan?” Could he give me two seconds to get the shit together?
“No plan yet, she’s just not spending another night in that place is all. I’ll think about the rest of it later.” I felt better about my decision once I got past the idea that things might be moving too fast.
The bottom line was that I knew that place was dangerous, I knew she needed to be out of there and like I’d told her, my intentions weren’t about sex. Well not all of it anyway.
Last night before I fell asleep I’d sat up watching her. She looked even more innocent while she slept and my heart had done that melting shit in my chest. I’d liked the feeling of protecting and watching over her way too much.
It must’ve been the first time I’d stayed in bed with a woman without sex being part of the mix. But even as I watched over her in the night, emotion was stronger than lust. I should’ve known I was done for then.
Then waking up with my arms wrapped around her had felt more than right. I think I knew then what move I would make, but I just needed to hear it spelt out by someone else. That way I don’t feel like a complete heel.
If Tony was so set on me getting her out of there, I couldn’t be wrong. He would’ve told me if I was moving too fast. It was already enough that he liked her, his ass never likes anyone.
And the fact that he was pushing me this hard meant that he knew it’s what I wanted. That I just needed a push to get me over the hurdles in my mind.
“I’ve been handling her the way I would mom, with kid gloves. For some reason I keep getting the two of them mixed up in my head. Maybe it’s time I stop doing that shit.”
Yeah, she’s not mom and I’m not my father. The fear in my gut had eased as well, now I could see a little more clearly. The only thing that mattered was taking care of her, protecting her.
It didn’t matter that we’d only known each other for a short while, none of it mattered. And though I can’t predict the future and have no guarantees of what laid ahead, I know deep in my soul that I’d never hurt her.
Chapter 18
I tried timing her, going by the time we’d dropped her off and how long her class could be. She wasn’t answering her phone, pain in the ass, so I decided to sit on her apartment.
It was Friday afternoon, so the place was a little livelier than it had been the last two times I’d been here, and I got a first hand view of what Tony was talking about.
It wasn’t hard to detect the shady characters on the prowl and there were way too many of them. I saw drug deals sex deals and everything else in between going down right there on her street, and my resolve to get her out of there strengthened even more.
Her building alone had way too much traffic going in and out. One of the reasons the main door didn’t lock no doubt. The thought of just what could happen in such circumstances left me cold.
“How the hell did she find this place anyway?” Tony just shook his head at my question as we both watched the street for her approach. I had no idea what time she was expected back, but more than enough time had passed already.
I rested my eyes for two seconds since I hadn’t gone back to bed at my place and my ass was tired. I’d spent the last few hours shopping, after trying to get my place ready for her.
I had one of the guest bedrooms set up and waiting. Now that I think of it, I should’ve bought a lock for outside the door because sure as shit she’s going to fight me on this. I might have to spend the first few nights sitting up outside her damn bedroom door.
No matter, since my mind was made up I had no doubt that I’d get my way. She may be hardheaded and stubborn, but she was no match for me. And if it seemed strange for me to go to these lengths, I’ll just have to prove to her that I have no ulterior motives.
Well at least that I don’t mean to jump on her the first chance I get anyway. She’s smart enough to know by now that I mean her no harm. Plus sleeping next to her the night before without making a move should’ve earned me some points, I hope.