Page 44 of The Dancer
The shit had ran me out of my bed at the ass crack of dawn and had me pacing like a caged animal. I’d used what little information I had to search for her, but so far I had nothing.
There were more people with her name than I’d expected to find and if she was on social media, she must be one of the ones who had their shit set to private.
I left it to my guys to bypass that shit and was waiting for the results now. I just needed to know where she came from and I’d take if from there.
I was antsy as a teenage girl on her prom date. I was both excited and wary about what I would find. If she was in some kind of trouble there was no question that I would help her.
But I wasn’t looking forward to uncovering any entanglements. Although I’d convinced myself that she wasn’t the type to let me touch her if she was involved, I won’t shake this uneasy feeling until I know for sure.
I’d shown up here earlier than usual because I couldn’t just sit at home waiting. I missed her, wanted to see her. Thoughts of her had damn near ran me out of my penthouse.
I was the one doing the chasing this time, which was already a new look for me. And since I was new to this shit I wasn’t quite sure of my moves.
I took out my phone a hundred times to call her, but remembered that she said she had class. I’d tried busying myself but nothing seemed to work.
I couldn’t get the feel of her in my arms, or the taste of her lips out of my head. Not even an hour in my personal gym had done much to help me there, and in the end I was sick of my own company.
None of the things I usually do in the city to pass time held much interest, so I decided to just show up here a few hours early, which put the early afternoon staff in a tizzy since they hardly ever get to see me.
Tony was no help. From the time he reached my place this morning he’s been going on about some shit or the other that had nothing to do with anything.
And if he plays that fucking song one more time I’m going to wring his damn neck and drop him in the Hudson. Asshole!
He and I had been trying to find a link between Arlene and Ray Morrison since we got here with no luck. Though we did learn a little more about the asshole.
When it grew near time for her to show up I’d grown restless and he hadn’t missed it. “Isn’t it about time for you to play voyeur?”
Asshole turned on the security monitors and zoomed in on the door. It was just in time for us to see her and the manager, Richard, coming through the door together.
Now I’m going to go break his fucking arm for being stupid and then have a few words with my girl about letting other men put hands on her.
I didn’t miss Tony’s disrespectful snicker as I headed out the door of the office. But his reminder to stay cool helped me to remember where I was and I throttled it back a notch.
Luckily for the manager he hadn’t followed her downstairs where she went to put her bag and coat away, but instead was headed for the office on the other side of the floor.
I caught up with him right before he made the
door. He was looking way too fucking pleased with himself and there was no need for me to guess why. He must’ve heard my footsteps behind him because he looked back over his shoulder.
“You, here, now.” He was right to look scared at my tone. I was pissed enough to really break his arm off and beat him with it.
“Sir, is something the matter?”
“I think I already told you about putting your hands on my staff. If you do it again you’re fired.”
If not for Tony’s warning I would’ve done worst to the smiling asshole. He wasn’t smiling any longer though. He looked scared out of his fucking mind.
I walked away and left him to think about what the fuck he’d done wrong. I thought about going after her, but changed my mind, even though I was dying to see her, touch her again.
I did take my sweet time getting back to the office in the off chance that I ran into her. What the fuck was she doing down there so long?
Tony was laughing his ass off when I got back to the office and I knocked his legs off my desk. I couldn’t beat the manager asshole to a bloody pulp