Page 28 of The Dancer
The women I take to my bed are all sophisticated enough to know that they might not be the only one. And more importantly, that our time together is nothing more than a casual fling that once over that was the end of it. And I never come back for seconds.
Maybe I’m paying for all my years as a player. For all the females I’d left weeping in my wake. Didn’t a few of them curse me to just such a fate after I left them?
If I remember correctly I’d been warned more than once that my day would come by an incensed female on her way out.
I never paid that shit too much attention since I’ve always been sure of myself, and my ability to keep my heart out of the dangerous clutches of any female.
Now I find myself wondering if I’d met my match. If all the things I felt for her were evidence of the great Max Carrington’s downfall.
Chapter 9
I felt nervous and twitchy, like my skin was on fire now that she was so near. “What the fuck is he saying to her?” I watched through the screen as Tony spoke a few words to her before she walked away.
I watched her on the monitor before growing annoyed with myself. I rested my head back against the chair and tried to clear my clouded mind. Now that I was here I was starting to feel like a damn fool.
I’d rushed back here for her, no sense in lying to myself any longer. I haven’t so much as held her hand, except that day when I was dragging her around. But already she has me tied up in knots in a way that I can’t understand.
I realized that since I first saw her I haven’t truly been myself. My mind, instead of being on my business as it usually is, has been filled with thoughts of her. No wonder Tony has so much to say. Speak of the devil.
He opened the door just then and came in, plopping his ass down in the guest chair like I’d invited him. What nonsense is he about to spit at my ass now?
“What is it?” He just sat there looking at me, not speaking, until I was forced to address him. What I really wanted to know is what he’d said to her.
“I like her.”
“What the fuck do you mean by that? Stay away from her.” He actually snorted.
“Why? I thought you weren’t interested?”
He laughed when I jumped up from my chair and came after him. “Chill bro, I don’t mean it like that. I mean I like her…for you.” He stepped back out of my reach.
“You my pimp now?” I walked back around the desk to my seat.
“She has the right qualities about her and I get the feeling she won’t put up with any of your shit. You need someone like that to keep you grounded.”
“You got all that from just a few words?” I didn’t appreciate his grin at my expense, or the fact that I’d given myself away. He didn’t say shit else until
I raised my brow at him. Asshole was fucking with me on purpose.
“Saw that did you?” The fool turned the iMac screen towards him and smirked. The security screen was still up.
“I had a feeling that’s what you were in here doing.” He looked up at me seriously and I got up and moved to the window to look out. He sees too much and I wasn’t ready for anyone to see how twisted up she had me. I don’t think I can laugh this shit off any longer.
“Why don’t you just…” I shook my head and took a deep breath and sighed, cutting him off before he went any farther. As my oldest and dearest friend I’ve shared everything with him over the years.
But this was the one thing I didn’t feel like I could. Maybe because I still had questions myself, or because I knew that once I opened that door there would be no turning back. “Max, I know you like to make things difficult for yourself, but this is a no brainer.”
“You don’t have to marry the girl for fuck sake, but don’t you owe it to yourself to see where this is going? I haven’t said anything in the last few days. I was giving you time to come to terms with it on your own, but you don’t seem to be.”
“I’d hate for you to deny yourself true happiness because of some fucked up belief. You’re not your old man.” The words sliced through me like a knife. I should’ve known that he would see through my shit.
I knew there was no use hiding anything from him but still I’d tried. If anyone would he’d know that one of the things holding me back was my fear. I knew she was the forever type, could feel that shit in my gut from the get. And that’s the main reason I’m fighting so hard to turn this into anything but love.