Page 24 of The Dancer
He had a point, I have more than a few enemies and I don’t have eyes behind my back so he picks up the slack.
The fact that I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it has a lot to do with why I’m not gut punching him now for getting on my damn nerves.
“Get out of my office jackass.”
“You want me to check on her for you?” I gave him the finger and pointed towards the exit. He grinned all the way out the door, leaving me to think over what he’d said.
Was I really feeling this way because of her? Did I miss her that much that it was affecting my body like this? Shit made no sense.
I’ve never missed a female in my life. There was always another one to take the last one’s place. Tony’s full of shit.
I left the office and went out on the floor, which had everyone in a titter. They always act like they couldn’t get shit done unless I was here. Like they’d been storing up all their complaints for when I returned.
I wasn’t in the mood and let that fact be known in my no nonsense way. I was short with the manager who wanted to gab about some shit that wasn’t necessary and the rest of them got the message and left me the hell alone.
I lasted fifteen minutes before I went back to the office and did something I’d been fighting hard not to. It was as if I knew that if I did this, it would be very telling, and I wouldn’t be able to hide the truth from myself any longer.
I was scared as fuck to open that door, afraid of where it would lead. I was sure that I wasn’t ready for this. It wasn’t part of my life plan, not now anyway. Not for a long time.
But telling myself that shit didn’t have any affect as I dropped down in the chair behind my desk. I booted up my computer and went into the security screen that allowed me to see the New York club.
I told myself I was just going to see how she was doing, or if she’d even bothered to show up. I held my breath until I saw her on the screen. The relief made me light headed.
My heart took off racing again and I felt the way I did when I threw my first touchdown pass in a professional game. Like king of the fucking world.
I drank her in like a man dying of thirst and felt the regret of not being there. How was it possible to miss someone this much? Someone that I barely even know?
I watched her move around the restaurant already looking like she belonged. Her movements were fluid, sensual. As if she glided on her toes. A dancer’s moves.
I noticed more than a few eyes noticing her and felt a rush of jealousy that was new to me. It didn’t seem to matter that her clothes weren’t revealing, men still seemed to find her appealing by the way some of them followed her with their eyes.
Just like the day before she was very businesslike on the floor and it was obvious apart from the leering that the customers liked her. They sure liked chatting her up.
I’d chosen this particular server to train her because I liked the way she did things. She didn’t just tell her trainees what to do, but allowed them to take orders and put them in the computer on their own.
To me, that was the best and fastest way to learn. It also allowed her to interact more with the customers. But I’d forgotten that this early in the evening it was mostly businessmen in for a quick bite before heading to the other floor where the girls danced on stage.
I could’ve switched off after the first ten minutes, but then I noticed a funny trend in her movements. Something that made me sit up and take notice.
Each time she went to the bar to pick up an order, her eyes would go to my closed office door, which was directly down the hall from the bar.
I got a warm tingle in my chest from this minute action and knew that whatever this was I had it bad. Now I was just staring at the screen, waiting for her to do it again. I’m so totally fucked.
“I see she has the same problem as you do.” I almost jumped out of my skin. This motherfucker.
“What the fuck? When did you come in here?”
Fucking Tony was standing behind me looking
over my damn shoulder.
“It says a lot that you didn’t hear me come in. Why don’t you call her and put her out of her misery? It’s obvious she’s looking for you. Damn girl’s about to get a crick in her neck.”