Page 22 of The Dancer
Since I don’t shit where I eat that shit never went anywhere, but that hadn’t stopped the in house fighting and misunderstandings.
That was one of the reasons I’d gotten rid of quite a few of them in the beginning, and though I never addressed it, the word had spread that I wasn’t interested and never will be.
Is that why I hadn’t wanted her to be a dancer? Because I didn’t want to break that particular rule of mine?
That makes no damn sense Max, she’s still working for you isn’t she? Accept it, you didn’t want her dancing because you didn’t want anyone else seeing her body.
“What is it now? You’re as twitchy as a fucking virgin in a whore house.” He looked me up and down.
“I’m fucked if I know.”
I played with the change in my pocket and kicked at nothing on the sidewalk. He was right, I felt unsettled, but then I’ve felt this way ever since I met her.
I don’t like being blindsided, don’t like not knowing my own mind. The shit feels almost like I’m going insane.
“Stop stressing it so hard, the answer will come to you soon enough.” Why does he keep talking like he knows what the fuck this is when I don’t have the slightest clue?
My phone rang and I answered when I saw it was my mom. “Hey pretty girl how are you?”
“Never mind that, who’s this new girl I hear have you tied up in knots?”
I turned to glare at Tony who had a sudden renewed interest in the sky. Blabbermouth. “What are you talking about momma?”
“Oh it’s like that is it? Do I need to come home?”
“Why would you do that? You still have weeks left on your vacation.”
“Yes, but it isn’t every day I have the prospect of a daughter in law lurking on the horizon. I hear she’s a real beauty but nothing like your usual fare.”
Damn Tony, what the hell did you tell this woman? His ass was keeping his distance as he pretended to play with his phone. Nosy ass!
Chapter 7
I did my best to convince my interfering mother that the girl meant nothing to me, but I don’t think she bought it. She just kept fishing for information that I didn’t have.
I guess the fact that my best friend found it necessary to call her halfway around the world and tell her about Annabelle was enough proof for her that I was more interested than usual.
I didn’t say shit to him after hanging up the phone and if I didn’t respect his mom, I would’ve gone ahead with my threat to tattle on his dumb ass. He knows it too the jerk.
That night I took my private jet back to Miami and for the first time didn’t feel the excitement I normally did when looking down at the city from the air.
South Beach reminds me of old New York. The bright lights and late night revelers. Stores and restaurants that stayed open until all hours of the early morning, and nightclubs and luxury hotels on every corner.
I went straight to my place on Fisher Island as soon as we landed. I’d bought the five million dollar mansion because it was right on the water and more importantly because there was a guesthouse that was perfect for my shadow to live in while we were here.
“I know you won’t do it out of sheer stubbornness, so I did it for you. The girl did fine on her first day. The manager’s already singing her praises and Celeste says she’s a natural.”
“Who the fuck are you all of a sudden, Dear Abby?” I hid my smile as I walked through the door and slammed it in his face. He knows me too damn well. Maybe I should ask him what the hell is up with me.
I was proud of her and didn’t know why. It’s not my habit to keep such a close watch on my floor staff. I doubt I know half of them other than to say hello and goodbye.
By the time I dropped my tired ass into bed I knew I wasn’t fooling anyone. My anger had already worn off somewhere over the water and I was already regretting my hasty departure.
That fact bothered me more than a little bit since it had never happened before. Not since my teens have I allowed a female to plague me as much as this one.
It might be the fact that she was such a mystery still. A Colombia student who wanted to dance half naked on stage. Nothing about her fit.
Her mouth for one didn’t quite fit with her small angelic like stature. And she had way too much damn attitude for someone who seemed to be in need.
Or maybe I’d become too accustomed to people kowtowing to me. It was a safe bet that she never would. She’d as soon spit in my eye is my guess.