Page 144 of The Dancer
“Why don’t you shut up? Why are you here?” She turned venomous eyes on the wife who’d opened her mouth. Now her hand was vibrating in mine and I had the feeling that any minute now I was going to be pulling her off this fool.
“You gonna let her talk to me like that?” She yelled at her husband. She might be Anna’s age in years, but this chick was about twelve in everything else.
I was trying to avoid looking at her because her eyes had landed on every man in the room, including Travis in a way that said she wasn’t as in love with her man as she should me. Serve his dumb ass right.
“If you’re here because of me you can forget it. I’m old enough to make my own choices and I choose to stay here. I don’t want you interfering with my sister any more either. We’re fine where we are.”
“You might think you’re old enough but I am still your father and the law says…”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
‘Travis…” He pulled his arm out of her reach and stood in front of her again.
“Sorry sis but I’m not going anywhere with him, not now not ever. And he has no right to come here, especially with that….thing, acting like he cares about us.”
“I know that Travis.” She pulled him back behind her and stepped forward a step. “He’s not going anywhere with you. First of all, mom left me as his guardian after you split. When I had nothing and no way to take care of him. When you were too busy with your new life. You didn’t want us…”
Her voice broke and I was ready to flip my shit and put an end to this mess. “I’m gonna need you to leave and the next time you do this, it’s not gonna end so well.”
“Who are you to threaten me?”
“I’m the one you have to go through to get to them.” Say the wrong damn thing to me. Give me an excuse to take this shit out on your ass.
Tony might be right, he is her father and their relationship could change any minute. But I’m sure she’d get some satisfaction out of me beating his ass in.
“Belle, you know this is not you. You’re nothing like these people.”
“You don’t know who I am. The girl you left to fend for herself is no more. As for these people, I trust them more than I trust you.”
“Tiffany and I just bought a new home and we have two rooms set up for you and your brother.” I should punch this asshole in his face. Is he for real?
She seemed to want to handle shit on her own so I bit my tongue and let her. But somebody better tell Sherrie’s crazy ass to step down.
All her throat clearing and mumbling shit was usually a precursor to hell to come. And this time I just might let her loose since I can’t hit a woman. “We don’t need your charity, we’re perfectly fine where we are.”
“Is that why you’re being attacked and your little brother has to protect you? It doesn’t look like your ‘family’ is taking very good care of you. Besides I’m your father…”
“You stopped being my father when you killed my mother; now can you leave? I only came in here with you because of Travis, but since he wants nothing to do with you either neither do I. My only interest is in protecting him.”
Thank fuck. “You heard her, please leave. Tony.” He looked like he wanted to argue but one look at Tony changed his mind. I started to guide her to the door but she wasn’t done.
“Oh and Tiffany, the next time we see each other, I’m gonna break your face.” Oh shit, now that’s pure Sherrie.
“Excuse me?” This girl is really dumb. She actually made a move towards my woman like she thought that was gonna happen.
“Okay my turn. I suggest you leave, get on a plane and get the hell out of New York tonight and don’t come back. I don’t care what you did in the past, I wasn’t there. But no way in hell are you fucking with my woman. As for Travis, it’s like she said, she has guardianship so there’s really nothing else that needs to be said. They’re both mine.”
He looked beaten, head down, shoulders slumped as he walked out the door. I couldn’t bring myself to care. All that mattered was that one of my headaches was now gone.
“Are you sure baby?” No matter my feelings on the matter she’s my first priority. I know she has a lot of pent up shit from her past to deal with. But when she nodded her head with a smile I knew it was going to be okay.