Page 102 of The Dancer
She had a website up and running by Sunday night and showed me excitedly all the hits she was getting. I worried that there were too many people trying to sign up their kids but she took it all in stride.
We’d been circling around each other in the apartment since it was just us two there now. I didn’t use the opportunity to jump on her the first chance I got, but still kept to my promise to give her time.
That doesn’t mean that I didn’t have my hands on her every chance I got. By that first weekend she’d grown used to my kissing and pawing at her at all hours of the day. I was training her ass and she didn’t even know it.
I’d talked her into taking some time off from working at the restaurant to concentrate on getting her school ready. Since her brother was squared up she could take a breather.
The woman was fierce as fuck once given her wings. I stepped back and let her do her thing without any interference from me. As long as whatever she was doing wasn’t harmful I was good. But when that shit crossed the line I put my foot down.
Like the night I made her go to bed when she wanted to stay up from four in the morning to midnight to work on her shit. She didn’t put up too much of an argument, progress.
We were in the habit of sleeping together now, though we hadn’t moved to my bed but always ended up in hers. I was saving my bed for that special night. Because once I get her in there, that would be the last time she sleeps anywhere else.
The more time we spent together the more relaxed she was, and the more open. And the more I learned the more in love with her I became. I loved her mix of strength and vulnerability that pulled at me like nothing else ever could.
No matter what else was going on, I spent part of each day with her in my lap for at least an hour. By day three I had her top off and her nipple in my mouth.
Our make out sessions were getting hot and heavy until we reached the point where she’d search me out when she needed some loving. She has the cutest way of letting me know when she needs some attention from her man.
It was usually when she’d hit a roadblock of some kind, or something was plaguing her mind. She’d find me wherever in the apartment I happened to be and rub her little face on my shoulder.
I’d lift my arm and let her under for a hug and a forehead kiss and refrain from questioning her until she was ready to share. I was learning to let her handle the things that she could, but it wasn’t easy.
I wanted to take the reins and move all obstacles out of her way. To use my name and fame to make everything go smooth, but she always balked. Out of respect for the feminist in her I usually backed down, but I still keep an eye out because if she needs me I’ma do what I need to regardless.
There were times when the past intruded and she’d panic, but at those times I always brought her around. Tonight she was a little melancholy, I was so attuned to her moods that I knew something was on her mind.
“What’s bothering you? Is it Travis?” They’d spoken not that long ago after dinner. We were sitting in the media room with the TV going in the background, but I couldn’t tell you what the hell was on.
She’d been in my lap for the past twenty minutes, not nearly time to call it quits. I’d left a nice size hickey on her neck and was working my way to her tits when I noticed the slight tension in her.
“No, nothing like that.” She leaned her neck to the side giving me access and her breath hitched when I sucked her nipple between my teeth. I dropped the hardening pebble long enough to ask, “So what is it?”
“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking over some stuff for the school.” I stopped what I was doing for a second before going back to her nipple. See, I too had made progress. A week ago I would’ve pushed until she told me and then tried to fix the problem myself.
“Did you give any thought to what I asked you?” I was leaving in the morning to head out to Miami and I wanted her with me. She was in the middle of her plans and didn’t think it wise to leave now, which was understandable, but I wasn’t ready for us to be apart.
Instead of me training her this past week, it was my ass that was on a leash. “I can’t, I have way too much to do.”