Page 43 of Indiscretion
She turned and smiled with her hand covering our child protectively as the women wrapped the bathing cloth around her. Her hair hung down her back and her cheeks were nice and rosy from the heat of her bath.
“You’re dismissed. I will see to her dress.” They twittered and left and I rose from my seat to go to her. I used the cloth to dry her before seating her before the mirror to brush her hair dry.
“How are you feeling my love?” The ruby I’d given her at our marriage sparkled around her neck and so too did the diamond on her finger with the letters J and C intertwined. That, of all the chests of jewels I’d given her thus far, was the one closest to my heart as I too wore one just the same.
“I am well husband, the babe is most active this eve.” I laid the brush down and knelt at her side so that I could place my hand on the child. “Yes, the little one is in a hurry to meet her sire I think.” I kissed the place where my child laid with reverence.
It had not been easy getting here. There were some in my court who still held to the old customs of the church and thought it profane that I should take my brother’s widow to wife, unless I got a special dispensation of course. Bollocks to that. What good was it being king if I could not do as I bloody well please?
Some did not see it that way, but a threat of losing their heads or their wealth had silenced them quite aptly, and they were lucky enough to escape only with banishment from my presence. Luckily my bride was well liked and the uproar had been silenced without too much ado.
My supporters far outnumbered the naysayers as well, not that I cared a damn. There was no earthly power that could keep me away from her. We were happy and above all in love and all could see. It hadn’t taken much to silence the wagging tongues once her condition became known.
The lady Georgina had been sent away in shame and was now living out her days in some remote holding of her sire’s. I’m sure the stable boys and grounds keepers were keeping her well occupied. It was none of my concern.
Our wedding had been a quiet affair out of respect for her period of mourning. I had kept her well away from all that nonsense with the council and my advisors. She knew only that I would make everything better for her and our unborn child and she had no need to worry.
Since the day we proclaimed our love for one another, we have been inseparable and that love has only grown in all this time.
She’s such a joy, I sometimes watch her in wonder. I could’ve lost her forever. I’d long outgrown the guilt of knowing that had my brother not died I would not know the happiness I now enjoy. We had healed together her and I and moved on from all our troubles.
Nicholas and Lillian too were expecting and my friend and sister were quite happy, my old friend now settled down to wedded bliss much as I have. Her hand in my hair brought my head up to gaze at her.
“You’re glowing pet. Are you happy?” I unwrapped her as I asked the question and helped her up from the chair, leading her to our bed. “Very happy my lord.”
“Good.” I helped her onto her side, which was the most comfortable way for her to take me. When she rode me earlier the babe had kicked and rolled in her tummy scaring me half to death.
I slid into her waiting heat with my hand resting on the rounded mound that kept my child in safety. “I will not harm you or the babe but I have to have you.” She was already lost in passion, pushing back against me with one leg slightly bent to give me easier access to her.
Her appetites of late have become as voracious as mine and I find myself feeding her needs throughout the day. She has such little respect for my time that she interrupts me at every turn when the need is upon her.
“Your majesty.”
Uh-oh she calls me that only when she’s quite peeved with me. “Yes little love?”
“I need more of you.” She tried pulling me into her with a hand on my arse but I held back. It had been weeks now since I’d given her my whole length, no way would I risk bringing harm to her just for my own pleasure.
One of her crazy fears was that I would stray once the child in her womb made her too encumbered. But she could have no idea of my love for her if she believed that. “It’s enough love, just feel me.” I stroked into her with my hand now between her thighs rubbing her little button to bring her to climax.