Page 27 of Claiming His Queen
Between my legs, my cock weeps with hunger. I shove my own need aside and dive in. My fingers scissor her apart, opening the swollen channel for my ravenous tongue. She tastes better than champagne cake, better than the frosting, better than a cool glass of water after a year in the desert. If all I could eat was her, I’d be satisfied. Her nectar rolls across my tongue, tangy and honeyed. I lap it all up, jacking my fingers in her, biting her clit, thumbing the little organ until she’s thrashing against the sheets. When her desire chokes her words into short, panting syllables, and her body trembles like a leaf in a hurricane, I rise up and slam my thick cock inside of her. She screams. I shout. The words don’t make sense. It’s just a jumble of exclamations and curses and pleas for more, more, more, more until the more crashes into both of us, and the waves of pleasure sweep over our heads and take us under. My cum jets inside of her cunt in endless milky streams. I hold her close, willing my seed to plant itself inside her womb. We’ll make a baby together, and that child will be the proof of our union.
Shivering and gasping, she curls into my embrace. I capture her mouth and kiss her deeply, letting her taste herself on my tongue. Still, my lust is not spent. My cock remains hard inside her. I flip onto my back and let her grind on top of me, working herself into another orgasm.
“I’m in love with you,” I tell her as she pulls out all the cum I have in my body. “Take care of me. I don’t know how to love anyone. You’ll have to teach me.”
A sob catches in her throat. “I don’t know how to love anyone either.”
“Then we’ll learn together.” I roll her over and thrust inside of her.
“Again, Aidon?” she asks in bewilderment.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever have enough of you. I love you,” I confess. Words I’ve never said to another. For a reason I don’t deserve, she says them back.
Chapter 19
“Do you think we could go out to a restaurant?” I ask. I stare out of the car window as we pass a handful of them. There are so many things I haven't gotten to do over the years. I wonder if Aidon is going to keep me in a cage too. I’m not mad about it. I get it. I can be used against my husband and my mom. I love them both so much I never want that to happen to either of them. Yet I want to experience new things, and I want to do it with Aidon.
The thought of losing my Aidon is unbearable. I know he would feel the same if something were to happen to me. When you love someone this much, there is a lot that comes with that. You open yourself up to possibly losing that person one day. I can only hope that it will be decades from now with our grandchildren all around us. I don’t know why I’m thinking about these things. Aidon has changed so many things for me that I can’t imagine my life without him in it now.
“You’re hungry?” Aidon wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his lap.
“Not right now.” We just had lunch. “I didn’t mean we had to go now, but one day. Maybe we could have a date night!”
“You want a date night.” He brushes my hair off my shoulder before kissing my neck. I melt into him more. “Then I’ll give you one. I own a handful of restaurants.”
“Really?” I bounce in my seat. Who knew falling for the most feared man in the city could turn out to be my very own fairy tale?
“If I have the means to do something for you, all you have to do is ask me, and it will be done.” I turn my head to look at him.
“You know I’m a sure thing. You don’t have to butter me up.”
“I never say something I don’t mean.” I press my mouth against his, loving the way he kisses me. This man has changed so much for me. We’re learning the meaning of love together.
“You should be careful. People are going to think you’ve gone soft.” He smirks. Ahh. I love that damn sexy smirk of his. I’m the only one that can get it from him.
“If anything, they should fear me more. If something happened to you, I’d burn this city to the ground.” I suck in a breath. “Am I turning you on, sweet wife of mine? If I reached into your panties would your pussy be wet for me?”
“You know you are. If I was wearing any they would be.”