Page 89 of Omens (Dark in You 6)
“I don’t think he dislikes Keenan. I think he disliked the idea of Keenan using me. Now that he knows that’s not the case, he’ll deal, but he’ll also take time to warm up to the mating—in Teague’s mind, no one will ever be good enough for his anchor. On another note, Teague invited us to the racetrack on Saturday. You guys up for it?”
All three women brightened and immediately accepted the invitation.
“Watching hellhorses race is always entertaining,” said Devon. “Mostly because they’re psychotic.”
Khloé felt her brow furrow. “They’re not psychotic. Just wild.”
“And crazy,” added Devon. “And vicious. And cannibalistic.”
“You’re so judgy.”
Devon scrunched up her face. “Is that even a word?”
“Yes. My Aunt Mildred used to say it all the time and—Hey, sheathe those claws, feline.” Khloé backed up a step and wagged her finger. “Don’t think I won’t dig out the water spray bottle.”
“Don’t even try it.”
“Stop hissing, it’s rude.”
“And antagonizing others isn’t rude?”
Khloé pursed her lips. “I don’t know. Never really thought about it.”
“Harper, get her away from me before I strangle her.”
“Damn, you’re moody today, Dev,” said Khloé. “You surfing the crimson wave, sweetie? I have spare tampons if you need them.”
Devon looked ready to pounce on her, but then the studio door swung open.
Harper quickly slid between the two females and planted a hand on both their chests. “Oh look, our first client has arrived,” she said far too brightly. “Devon, head to your station. Khloé, please go greet Macie.”
“No problem.” Khloé crossed to the reception desk and smiled at the she-demon standing there. She was a regular client who had dozens upon dozens of super cool tattoos. “Morning, Macie.”
“Morning,” the woman greeted. Her smile faltered as her gaze landed on something behind Khloé. “Is Devon okay?”
“Oh, yeah,” Khloé assured her with a flick of her hand. “The poor thing’s just having her monthly code red situation, that’s all—you know how it is.”
Devon made an exasperated sound. “That’s it, Harper, I’m killing her, I am.”
Hearing footsteps stomping toward her, Khloé turned just as Raini and Harper restrained the hellcat and dragged her away. “Such a drama kitten,” said Khloé, shaking her head. “God, there’s no need to be so embarrassed about it, Devon. It’s natural. We all have to check into the Red Roof Inn sometimes, it’s—Stop with the hissing, you freak!”
The door of the hotel’s boardroom opened just as Keenan made his way toward it. Several Primes filed out with their sentinels, until only Knox and Levi remained inside.
Entering the large room, Keenan asked, “Does Harper know she just missed a Prime-meeting?”
Switching off the media screen, Knox looked up. “She knows. Those demons simply had a business proposal to put to me—she had no interest in hearing it.”
Levi eyed Keenan closely. “You look … different. Settled. It’s hard to explain.”
He felt settled, deep inside. Felt centered. All would be perfect in Keenan’s world if only his mate was well.
“You found someone who can heal Khloé?” asked Knox. Keenan felt his jaw tighten. “Not yet, no. The bear made it clear that shifters won’t be of any help. Have you talked to the vampires?”
“I’ve reached out to them, but they haven’t yet responded,” replied Knox, closing his laptop.
“I tried to find someone who might know how to contact an archangel, but there literally doesn’t seem to be anyone on Earth who can,” said Levi, dropping into one of the chairs. “They all said exactly what Eric said; that archangels aren’t concerned with angels or what goes on down here. I’ll keep asking around, though.”
Gathering the papers together that were fanned out around the teleconferencing phone, Knox briefly glanced at Keenan. “Want to explain why you’re not in a black mood anymore?”
Planting his feet, Keenan lifted his chin a notch. “I claimed Khloé.”
“It’s about fucking time,” said Levi. “I mean, congrats.”
Knox’s mouth curved. “Yes, congrats. It’s nice to have some good news for a change.”
Keenan lifted the pitcher of ice water from the center of the long table and poured himself a glass. “I need you to have a talk with Thea.” Just hearing her name made his demon flex its fists.
Knox’s brow pinched. “Thea? Why?”
“She turned up at the hotel to see Khloé, posing as Raini in the hope that Khloé would be fooled and let her up to the penthouse.”
Levi straightened in his seat. “What the fuck is she playing at?”
“Khloé gave me a recap of the conversation. In sum, Thea was warning her away from me. It seems she has some ridiculous idea that she and I can make another go of things.” Keenan sipped at his water. “It was bad enough that she turned up at my apartment and put me in the position of having to tell Khloé everything or risk losing her.” Thankfully, the Prime hadn’t been pissed at Keenan for telling an outsider.