Page 44 of Omens (Dark in You 6)
“I think she’s telling the truth,” said Harper. “Her fear is certainly very real.”
Knox nodded. “You know her better than any of us, Keenan. What are your thoughts?”
“In my opinion, she’s not lying,” Keenan replied. “But that’s not to say that there isn’t something she’s not telling us. I’m not saying she is hiding something; just that she could be.”
Harper scratched her cheek. “This makes me a bitch, I know, but I’m not so comfortable with having a kid around us who could just waltz over and steal our abilities. At the same time, I can’t bring myself to turn them away.”
Knox stared ahead, deep in thought. “Call Ella, Levi,” he said, referring to the reaper’s friend who was also an incantor. “Ask if she’d be able to bind a child’s power with her magick.”
Levi’s brows lifted. “Sure.” He headed to the corner of the room to make the call.
Knox looked at his mate. “If Thea will agree to have Lane’s ability bound for as long as he’s with us, I’ll be willing to agree to give them sanctuary. You?”
“I can live with that,” replied Harper. “It’ll be better for the kid anyway, considering he collapses after using the ability, so Thea should be up for it. I wouldn’t like to see Asher out cold.”
After ending his call, Levi sidled up to the office desk. “Ella said it’s doable, but that the magick could be undone—there’s no way to permanently bind a power with magick.”
“That’s fine. I don’t wish to permanently bind it. Call Thea back inside.”
The reaper inclined his head and did as ordered.
Rubbing at her thighs, Thea shuffled back into the room and retook her seat.
Knox braced his arms on the desk. “If you’ll agree for an incantor to bind Lane’s gift temporarily, we’ll agree to give you sanctuary.”
Her mouth bobbed open and closed. “Bind it?”
“Yes. He’ll be unable to use it until the magick has been unraveled. That’s our deal. Take it or leave it.”
“I’ll take it. I’ll do anything that will help him.” A faint, wobbly smile curved Thea’s mouth. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Her mind slid against Keenan’s. And thank you, too. I know you must have put in a good word for me.
I didn’t, Keenan replied, just as annoyed as his demon that she’d touch his mind. It wasn’t an intimacy, no, but demons weren’t casual about touch—psychic or physical.
Her brow furrowed, but she didn’t glance his way.
Keenan looked at his Primes. “There are some things I need to see to. Call if you need me.”
Frowning, Khloé picked up her mojito from the table. “It’s not ‘nice’ that he wants to protect me from Enoch, it’s annoying.”
“He said you mean something to him,” Raini reminded her.
“And it may in fact be true, but I don’t believe he’s all that happy about it.” Khloé sipped her drink, relishing the burst of sweetness on her tongue. “If he could make whatever he feels for me vanish, he totally would.” Which didn’t hurt. Nope. Not even a little.
“I’d like to disagree with that, but I can’t.” Raini dipped her hand into the complimentary bowl of nuts that she’d swiped from the long bar. “I’ve always gotten the feeling that he doesn’t want to care for you. I don’t think he wants to care for anyone. He never seems to keep a woman around long enough for him to develop any feelings for her.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” It made Khloé wonder why exactly that was, but she’d never ask him such a personal question. Unlike him, she didn’t pry. Most of the time.
She let her gaze sweep their surroundings. The Xpress bar was as busy as always. She and Raini had headed there straight after work a couple of hours ago. They didn’t intend to get drunk. They just wanted to wind down and get a little buzz going. Harper and Devon would have come if they hadn’t already had plans.
After Khloé and Raini had settled at a VIP table and ordered some drinks, Khloé had finally told her all about her conversation with Keenan the evening before.
“I figured the pushy incubus would try involving himself in all this,” said Raini.
“If he could kill Enoch, I’d be all for it—I want the motherfucker dead. But Keenan doesn’t have the power to end him. He can’t help our lair better than anyone else can.”
“What we need is that blade he mentioned. Do you know if Larkin has had any luck finding one on the black market?”
“She told Grams that she found one, but that it’s up for auction. A seven-day-long auction. Larkin said not to worry, though, she’d make sure we were the highest bidder.”
“Well, that’s good news, at least.” Raini drank some of her cosmo. “Although I like that Keenan’s worried for you and wants you protected, it’s unfair of him to try involving himself in your problems. He can’t pick and choose how he’s there for you. He’s either a part of your life or he’s not.”