Page 32 of Omens (Dark in You 6)
She clung to his back, pricking him with her nails. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He slipped his hand between their bodies and parted her slick folds. “Come.” He brutally rammed into her, hitting her clit with his dick again and again.
Her body shook, her head fell back, and her mouth opened in a silent scream. Keenan spat a curse as her hot, snug pussy contracted around him. His thrusts turned rough and erratic as he jackhammered into her over and over. Then he drove his swelling cock balls-deep inside her and exploded so intensely he could swear he saw stars.
Feeling as pliant as melted wax, Khloé let her arms flop to her sides. Yowza. Just yowza.
They lay there for a few minutes, shaking with aftershocks and striving to catch their breath. Finally, he pulled out of her and rolled onto his back—she felt his reluctance to move, and it made her demon smug.
“Fuck, I didn’t mean to be that rough. Did I hurt you?”
Khloé looked at him, knowing she wore a lazy, sated expression. “I look in pain to you?”
He didn’t respond to the rhetorical question. He merely stood upright and held out his hand. She took it, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Her body ached in some very interesting places, but she liked it.
His gaze raked over her, but there was no heat this time. His expression was carefully blank. She could almost see him pulling in, pulling away, making sure she understood it was just sex and that he’d meant it when he said there’d be no repeat.
Khloé almost rolled her eyes. Guys were always so sure that women would get “attached.” It was kind of narcissistic, really.
She hadn’t once doubted that he meant what he’d said. Nor had she read anything into what just happened. But the sudden remoteness in his manner chilled her all the same. Her demon glared at him, itching to do something that would snap him out of it.
“Bathroom?” he asked.
“The downstairs one is to the left of the kitchen.” Watching his naked ass stride into the bathroom, she almost hummed. Well, it was a very nice image. One she wouldn’t see again. But that was okay. Really. Truly.
She reached for her clothes. By the time he reappeared from the bathroom, having disposed of the condom, she’d slipped her dress and panties back on.
He pulled on his own clothes without a word and then turned to her, clenching his fists … as if not trusting that he wouldn’t make a grab for her. His expression might be blank, but it was clear to her that he didn’t want to leave—his reluctance was right there in his body language. That made her feel a little better, but her demon was still in a funk.
Seconds ticked by, and then he cleared his throat. “Lock up after me.” He left without a second glance. How nice.
Every house she passed looked the same. Plain and sterile with a white, rusty car in the driveway and a small, neglected lawn. No matter how far or how fast Khloé walked along the footpath, she couldn’t seem to get closer to the house on the end of the street. It always remained out of reach, just like the woman who resided in it.
Khloé dipped her hand in her pocket to feel for the house key. It wasn’t there. She’d just have to ring the doorbell. Sometimes Penelope answered, sometimes she didn’t. It depended how much Bourbon she’d—
A graying, smirking, suited-up guy appeared a few feet in front of Khloé. She stopped walking. Enoch. Not good. “Jolene is looking for you.”
“Yes, I know.” He glanced around. “Such a dull, inane dream for someone so full of life and energy.”
“And just what the fuck do you want?”
He laughed, delighted. “And there’s that typical Wallis attitude. But then, all imps are full of snark and sass, aren’t they?”
Well, yeah.
“Your grandmother should have known better than to cross me.”
Khloé rolled her eyes. Like that made him special. Her family members crossed people all the time.
“She’ll pay for that. But not by my hand. You know, losing a person you love is an agony like no other. It steals your breath, pounds your soul, drags you down so low you can’t see a way back up. Your grandmother’s going to feel that same pain when I kill you. I would have killed her daughter to repay her for killing mine. But it’s partly your fault that Molly is in that grave, so I’ll destroy you instead. Then I’ll have you kill Jolene.” His eyes hardened, but his smirk widened. “Come, walk with me.”
Her brows drew together as the air around her thickened until it felt like there was a weight on her shoulders. A weight that seemed to be pushing her deeper and deeper into … something. Her surroundings blurred, and the colors mashed together like a pastel painting. Only he remained clear.